As Joe Biden reaches the 9-month mark of his “presidency,” a new Zogby poll asking voters if they regret their vote for Joe spells disaster for Democrats.

Only days after the most disastrous military blunder in America’s history, voters are beginning to admit they regret their vote for the feckless, incompetent “disaster-in chief,” Joe Biden.

From the Zogby poll:

According to the latest Zogby Poll, one-fifth of likely voters regret voting for President Biden. On the surface it doesn’t seem like much, especially if you look at the three quarters of likely voters who did not regret their vote; 4% were not sure how they felt.

Why does this matter? If you take into consideration the size of the electorate, and how the last two Presidential elections (2016 and 2020) were decided by tens of thousands of votes in a handful of battleground states, this could really hurt President Biden’s chances in 2024.

As for the poll, when we drill down and look at the demographics of the surveyed voters, some very important groups, who normally lean left and Democrat, were even more regretful about voting for the president in 2020.

A couple of key demographics Democrats have locked down for decades appear to be most regretful of their vote for Joe:

27% of younger voters (18-29)  regret their vote. It’s worth mentioning that the 18-29 age group who regret voting for Biden are also most likely to be drafted.

30% of middle-aged voters (30-49) also regret their vote.

Dyed-in-the-wool Democrats, however, appear to be putting their allegiance to party ahead of the United States of America, with only 10% of voters between the ages of 50-64 admitting they regret their vote and 6% of those ages 65+ regret voting for Joe Biden.

In another hit to the Democrat Party, 33% of Hispanics and 25% of African Americans regret their vote for Biden.

In addition, 28% of urban voters also regret their vote, while only 14% of suburban voters admit remorse for their Biden vote.

Will Democrats’ efforts to distract from their chosen leader’s disastrous first 9 months in office work?

Will Americans allow themselves to be duped into believing a fake “insurrection” on January 6th is more important than the national security crisis we face, after Biden’s disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal that left an untold number of Americans and thousands of Afghan allies behind?





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