Rep. Greg Murphy (R-NC) revealed Tuesday he has been diagnosed with a base of skull tumor and will undergo surgery.

“As a physician I have, for the last 30 years, taken care of thousands and thousands of patients. It is now my turn to be one. After a series of tests and scans, I have been diagnosed with a base of skull tumor called a pituitary macroadenoma. It is thought to be a benign tumor, however, given its size and location, and its subsequent ability to affect vital structures in the brain, I am scheduled to have it surgically removed. As every patient should, I have the utmost faith in my physicians and surgeons to get me through this and back on the road to full recovery,” Murphy said in a press release.

“I have been, and will continue to be, a tireless advocate for those who take care of patients. The doctors, nurses, and medical staff who train and sacrifice for years and years to care for others have answered the highest call of humanity and should be appreciated for such. They are not compensated or appreciated enough. I am blessed to have the supportive love of my wife Wendy and our entire family, as well as my incredible staff, in addition to the wonderful, amazing, and patriotic constituents of North Carolina’s Third District,” Murphy continued.

“The prognosis is excellent, and I hope to be back to work full-time soon. I am, as are all things, in the hands of God and am at absolute peace. I appreciate your thoughts and prayers and hope everyone understands our desire for privacy at this time,” he added.


The Hill reports:

Murphy is serving his third term representing North Carolina’s Third Congressional District, which covers much of the eastern part of The Old North State.

Murphy’s district is likely to stay in Republican hands this November, with the nonpartisan Cook Political Report rating it R+11.

In addition to the GOP Doctors Caucus, he serves on the House Ways and Means Committee, the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee and the Committee on House Administration.

Per WRAL News:

Asking for privacy in his announcement Tuesday, Murphy didn’t say when his surgery is scheduled. It’s also unclear how long he may be unavailable for votes in the House of Representatives — where Republicans hold the majority by just four seats, 217-213.

Murphy said his doctors believe his tumor to be benign. A doctor himself, he used the announcement to urge people to continue supporting health care professionals.

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