Van Jones told a leftist panel on CNN that, “If a muslim family moved in next door to you, you would be the happiest family in the world.” He even offered some pretty compelling statistics to back up his assertion:

“The Muslim community has the lowest crime rate, the highest entrepreneurship, the highest educational attainment for women in the country, they are the model American community…”

Watch neighbors of the San Bernadino terrorist family talk about “lucky” they felt to have this radical Muslim family living in their neighborhood:

Jones tries to convince the CNN panel that if Muslims from other countries are not allowed to come here because they aren’t properly vetted, that there will be serious economic consequences. But that is not exactly true, given that 63% of all Muslims living in the United States are immigrants, and that these immigrants tend to be overwhelming in favor (no surprise) of the party who promises (and delivers) more taxpayer funded entitlement programs:

When it comes to political and social views, Muslims are far more likely to identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party (70%) than the Republican Party (11%) and to say they prefer a bigger government providing more services (68%) over a smaller government providing fewer services (21%).

Here’s the FACTUAL truth about how Muslim’s feel about their neighbors in America: 

Across the seven Muslim-majority countries and territories surveyed, a median of 68% of Muslims said they view Westerners as selfish. Considerable shares also called Westerners other negative adjectives, including violent (median of 66%), greedy (64%) and immoral (61%), while fewer attributed positive characteristics like “respectful of women” (44%), honest (33%) and tolerant (31%) to Westerners. –Pew Research

More FAKE News from the propaganda arm of the Left….


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