Who can forget the sweet young Dartmouth College student who was part of a larger disruptive, bullying group of students who terrorized other students in the Dartmouth Library where they were trying to study? Because cramming your racist views of America trumps everyone else’s right to not feel threatened in their college library right? It kinda makes one wonder when the administrators at colleges and universities are going to step up and put an end to this nation-wide, White House sanctioned domestic terror effort…

blm dartmouth

Fast forward to yesterday…A controversy has erupted at Dartmouth College after a pro-police display was torn down by Black Lives Matter activists, who denounced it for memorializing the “perpetrators” of “state violence.”



In honor of National Police Week (which falls May 15-21), Dartmouth’s College Republicans reserved a bulletin board at the Collis Center and used it to create a display honoring police officers and firemen who have fallen in the line of duty. One part of the display noted that 60 police and 343 firemen were killed in the 9/11 attacks, while another declared over 20,000 police officers have been killed while on-duty in the history of the United States.

At the bottom, the display said in big letters, “BLUE LIVES MATTER.”

This last part of the display appears to have outraged Black Lives Matter supporters at Dartmouth, several of whom vocally complained on Twitter and Facebook that the display was offensive and even “white supremacist.”

But Black Lives Matter did more than just complain, they also took action. The original display was torn down Friday morning, at about 11 a.m, and in its place almost three dozen sheets of paper were used to cover the bulletin board, all of them carrying an identical message: “YOU CANNOT CO-OPT THE MOVEMENT AGAINST STATE VIOLENCE TO MEMORIALIZE THE PERPETRATORS.” At the bottom, each sheet also had the hashtag “#blacklivesmatter” printed on it.

The Dartmouth pro-police display, after it was torn down and replaced with Black Lives Matter material. (Courtesy of Dartmouth student)
The Dartmouth pro-police display, after it was torn down and replaced with Black Lives Matter material. (Courtesy of Dartmouth student)

Via: Daily Caller

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