The left has officially lost it! What they’re doing and what they did during the election process is over the line…BIGTIME! After 8 years of Obama, they aren’t taking their loss with grace…

The liberal media is only fueling the unrest with lies and distortions about President-elect Donald Trump Talk about fake news…Have you tried to listen to the liberal crackpots on MNBC? This is irresponsible and dangerous reporting! 

Now we have threats from the lefties that are preventing entertainers from singing at the Trump inaugural…EVEN DEATH THREATS!

Opera star Andrea Bocelli backed out of singing at Donald Trump’s inauguration after receiving death threats, The Mail on Sunday has learnt.

The revelation came as another singer – Broadway legend Jennifer Holliday – last night pulled out of the President-elect’s festivities after being threatened and branded an ‘Uncle Tom’:

“They were calling me coon, calling me house n***er, calling me Aunt Jemima, calling me all kinds of names and asking me to kill myself,” the Grammy and Tony-winning singer told MSNBC’s Joy Reid on this morning’s AM Joy. “And that was from the black community.”

“I wanted to sing on the mall for America” – Jennifer Holliday

When blind tenor Bocelli announced he would not sing at this Friday’s celebration, it was widely reported it was because fans had said they would boycott his concerts and records.

But a source said the 58-year-old had been determined to ‘press ahead’ and sing but had pulled out on the advice of his security team after receiving threats to his life.

A source close to Bocelli, a friend of Trump’s, said: ‘Andrea is very sad to be missing the chance to sing at such a huge global event but he has been advised it is simply not worth the risk.’



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