Imagine a teacher using “shooting at Obama” as an option on a multiple choice test in 2009. Does anyone believe this is the only place you’d be reading about it? Where is the collective outrage from the media over this disgusting propaganda being spewed by a high school teacher in a mostly conservative state?

EAG News– A Wyoming high school is under fire after parents exposed an online student quiz that offered “shooting at Trump” as one of the multiple choice answers.

An unidentified English teacher at Jackson Hole High School gave students a multiple choice quiz on Thursday about George Orwell’s novel “Animal Farm” that included a question that many are pointing to as an example of the district’s “liberal bias,” the Jackson Hole News and Guide reports.

“Napoleon has a gun fired for a new occasion. What is the new occasion?” the quiz read.

Possible answers included “He was shooting at Trump,” “His birthday,” “For completion of the windmill,” or “To scare off the attackers of Animal Farm.”

Jim McCollum told the news site he did a double-take when his son showed him a screenshot he took of the test.

“I had to read it two times,” McCollum said. “I was like, ‘Are you kidding me?’”

McCollum, a Jackson Hole High School graduate and Trump supporter, shared the quiz on Facebook, where it was shared widely and generated a lot of angry comments.

“It was so inappropriate to show a name of a sitting president in that question,” he said. “To me, that is so wrong in light of the situation in our country and the divisiveness and all.”

He told the news site the incident is one of other examples of “liberal bias” in other classes at the school that make conservative students like son out to be “the outcast.”

“He told me, ‘Dad, they crapped on everything I believe in,’” McCollum said of his son. “Rylee is very patriotic, very supportive of our military and of our country” and is considering enlisting in the U.S. Marines.

School officials eventually issued a statement about the quiz on Monday.

“(District) administration learned late yesterday that a quiz was administered to a class of high school students that contained an inappropriate answer to a multiple choice question. Administration is investigating this incident and verifying the information we have received,” the statement read.

“(The District) takes seriously threats of any kind, regardless of the intent. We apologize to the students, families, and community for this incident and will be addressing the issue with personnel.”

It’s unclear what, if any, discipline the teacher may face.

The incident occurred in the Teton County School District #1.

According to The Washington Post:

Last year, deeply conservative Wyoming voted for Trump by the widest majority of any state, 70 percent. In Teton County, Hillary Clinton got 60 percent, the only Wyoming county the Democrat won.

Teton County is a wealthy ski and summer recreation destination. Residents include former Vice President Dick Cheney and his daughter, Republican U.S. Rep. Liz Cheney.

The quiz debacle follows other questionable incidents at the school.

In 2015, school administrators canceled an “America Day” tradition for homecoming in which students donned red, white and blue and rode around on a diesel truck to show their patriotism and love of country. Activities director Mike Hansen put the kibosh on the event because he alleged some students might get offended.

The school’s juniors and seniors didn’t buy it, however, and many showed up to school decked out in stars and stripes, then paraded the diesel truck around the school parking lot at the end of the day, waving American flags.

“It’s homecoming week and our school administration thought it was too ‘offensive’ to have an America Pride Day! So this is my kids answer to that!” local parent Ted Dawson posted to Facebook with pictures of his kids in patriotic get-ups. “Where have we gone wrong! I don’t care what race or religion you are, you live here, benefit from the schools, enjoy tax benefits or whatever – you’re an American or at least you better be!”

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