This new revelation won’t stop Black Lives Matter thugs who are just itching for an opportunity to create chaos, as they gear up for protests and road closures, just to prove how “racist” and “intolerant” residents of St. Paul, MN (one of the most liberal cities in America) really are…

The only two black jurors in the Philando Castile case were in favor of acquitting the cop responsible for his death, a juror explained Friday.

Dennis Ploussard, one of the twelve jurors, said that the jury was broken down 10-2 for acquitting Officer Jeronimo Yanez of his manslaughter charges — 10 jurors were in favor of clearing Officer Yanez and the other two were unconvinced.

The two holdouts were not the only black members on the jury, Ploussard told the Associated Press. The jury discussed the “culpable negligence” for the manslaughter requirement, he said. Eventually, the two unconvinced came to agree to acquit Yanez.

Yanez shot Castile seven times after he pulled him over for a broken tail light. Yanez claimed that Castile was reaching for his gun, although prosecution argued that Yanez acted too hastily in the exchange. –Daily Caller

The “white racists who let the cop go free” narrative that liberals in the media will attempt to put forth, won’t be worth much now that the only 2 black jurors voted to acquit Officer Yanez…

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