Maxine Waters has a major brain freeze during an interview ripping on the Trump administration…Karma? “Recognize that evidence is pouring in and it’s growing–or what–is matt– what–what is wrong with them, I just don’t quite understand,”

If Maxine Waters is the best the Dems have in their arsenal then this is good news for Republicans. The California Democrat has been bashing President Trump at every turn with no real reason. She’s even called for his impeachment.

Is this all she’s got?

She never speaks about what she’s doing for the district in California that she doesn’t even live in. She refuses to hear any opposing views during town halls. She has opposing voices removed so the adoring masses can rant and rave about Trump. It’s truly a Banana Republic in Maxine’s world. We’ve reported in the past about her bizarre behavior but the best question was asked by Tucker Carlson:

Maxine Waters is so filled with hate for anyone who disagrees with her, that she’s decided to appoint herself as the Democrat’s chief attack dog for President Trump and his administration. Unfortunately for Maxine, making a public spectacle of herself also comes with a price. Speaking of a price…how about the price tag on career politician Maxine Waters $4.3 million mansion?

Tucker Carlson reacted to Rep. Maxine Waters’ (D-Calif.) threat to “take [HUD Secretary Dr. Ben Carson’s] a** apart” by noting she might indeed be qualified to take his job.

Carlson said Waters, a 40-year politician, lives in a 6,000 square-foot mansion worth $4.3 million that is not in her congressional district.

He asked how Waters could afford a home like that in a ritzy neighborhood while solely working as a representative of the 43rd District.

“We should take her seriously on this subject,” Carlson said, calling her a “confirmed expert on the question on housing.”

He said that while Waters sometimes speaks using racially-charged rhetoric, she lives in a neighborhood that is only six percent African-American.

Via: Fox News

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