The endless development cycle for the next-generation F-35 Fighter jet is expected to cost over %1.5 TRILLION dollars.  Yes, you read that correctly; a single military contract for one fighter jet is expected to have a round-up cost of $2 Trillion dollars.  It is designed with numerous top-secret high-level technology developed specifically for this project in order to give America an edge over its adversaries, like China.

China, as you may recall, seems to have deep ties to the Biden family, including his son Hunter who is reportedly under investigation somehow was able to to billions in dealings with them despite having no reasonable credentials to do so.

F-35 carrier variant

Honeywell is one of many major defense contractors who were given contracts to complete portions of the monumental task that many consider to be a boondoggle.

Now, it turns out they leaked technical details for the F-35 and several other top-secret high-level military projects to the Chinese as well as other countries.  And, to make matters worse, the punishment they are receiving for leaking this state-of-the art military technology is just a financial finger wagging of $13 million.  That is just ~0.00000867% of the total cost of the decade-long F-35 boondoggle.

Some might call it ‘effectively 0%.’

Honeywell is valued at roughly $158 billion, making the settlement meaningless to them at just ~0.0000823% of their worth–effectively 0%.

That is the cost for likely selling out portions of the biggest military project in history to China and others.

This is the result of the open-border globalist ideology and policies that have infiltrated every strata of institution and government agency in America.  Sovereignty does not matter to these people.  They want America gone to usher in the new era of autocratic globalism, with China at the top.

What do you think: Does Joe Biden care about the sanctity of anything about America at all?

The Gateway Pundit Reports:

US aerospace & engineering company Honeywell has been fined $13 million by the State Department for allegedly leaking technical details of major military equipment such as F-35 Lightning II, F-22 Raptor, B-1 Bomber to China and other countries.

The company has been accused of violating the Arms Export Control Act (AECA), and the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR).

Honeywell was found to be indulged in unauthorized “exports and retransfers of ITAR-controlled technical data that contained engineering prints showing dimensions, geometries, and layouts for manufacturing castings and finished parts for multiple aircraft, gas turbine engines, and military electronics to and/or within Canada, Ireland, Mexico, the People’s Republic of China, and Taiwan,” according to the US Government.

In the claimed “settlement”, the company is required to pay $13 million in civil penalties and other things, $5 million of which was immediately suspended on the condition that Honeywell used it towards “remedial compliance measures”.

The US government, however, chose to be a little lenient with the company as it ‘voluntarily’ disclosed the violations to the state department.


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