Louis Farrakhan…the Muslim minister of hate…#JusticOrElse

What’s a march for justice without stopping by the bean pie stand where they sell food named after a notorious cop killer, Malik Zulu Shabazz:

It was so great to see so many black celebrities like Snoop Dogg who’ve been discriminated against supported by people of all races show up to support radical Muslim hate leader Louis Farrakhan:

The obligatory swipe at on of the most successful pediatric neurosurgeons in the world (who just happens to be black, but of course being a conservative automatically makes him an “Uncle Tom”:

And what kind of a march would it be if there wasn’t some demand for entitlements. While Tea Party members have protested in DC to demand that government stop spending our hard earned money, Louis Farrakhan’s followers are demanding they get more of the pie :

Speaking on the recent African-American uprisings in the United States, Farrakhan attempted to appeal to the youth by praising the Black Lives Matter movement, saying they represent the future.

“Ferguson ignited it all. All the brother and sisters from Ferguson that challenged the tanks we are honored that you have come to represent our struggle and our demand,” he said.

Farrakhan also harshly criticzed the FBI, CIA, and IRS, saying that they could “Go to Hell,” while adding he has no fear of government institutions.

Throughout his speech he emphasized self-sacrifice and self-determination, urging the audience to practice to do whatever it takes to bring about change. “This is not a moment, it’s a movement,” he said. “The many are greater than the one.”

will and jada smith farrakhan

Notable figures spotted throughout the march, included Hip Hop artist J. Cole and comedian Dave Chappelle while other celebirites like Russell Simmons and Will and Jada Pinkett Smith endorsed and funded the march.

The relatives of victims of police brutality were also present at the march including the family members of Sandra Bland, Trayvon Martin, and Eric Garner.

Almost 20 years ago, in 1995 thousand of protesters, mostly African-American men, attended the first Million Man March, a movement led by the Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan, who called upon Black men to travel to the country’s capital, demanding change from the government.

According to official sources, it was the fourth-largest demonstration in Washington history, and the largest predominantly black gathering.

However, this year calls for the Million Man March to be more inclusive led to the creation of Latino and Indigenous delegations, as well as the increased participation of women of color and LGBTI groups.

The rally has been described by some critics as “discriminatory” for being led by Farrakhan, who has been seen as a controversial figure for his outspokenness against white supremacy and statements made about members of the U.S. Jewish community, Israel and homosexuality.

Via: Telesurtv

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