A 14-year-old girl from Illinois tragically died after collapsing during a high school basketball game.

Amari Crite, a freshman girls’ basketball player at Momence High School, died during a junior varsity game against Tri-Point.

“The 14-year-old starter was participating in the basketball game and, according to those familiar with the event, Amari was heading to the defensive end of the basketball court when she collapsed,” Daily Journal reports.

Her cause of death is currently unavailable.

The Kankakee County Coroner’s Office reportedly said the cause of death is pending further study.


Daily Journal writes:

Amari’s family created a GoFundMe page late Friday morning. Just three hours into its posting, the fundraiser surpassed its goal of $15,000. By 2 p.m. Friday, $16,665 had been raised through over 250 donations. For more information, go to gofund.me/24809186.

Momence Superintendent Shannon Anderson issued a statement Friday morning which read:

“We are deeply saddened to confirm the heartbreaking news of the passing of one of our 9th-grade students on January 25, 2024. Our thoughts and condolences go out to the family and friends affected by this tragic loss.

“At this time, we are prioritizing the well-being of our students, staff, and the broader school community. Mental health and counseling support will be available in all buildings on January 26 and as needed in the coming days and weeks to assist those who may be grappling with the emotional impact of this tragedy. We are deeply thankful to neighboring Districts and the mental health and grief counseling providers in the Kankakee County area that have volunteered their services to assist our community during this time.

The New York Post added:

The local sheriff’s office also shared its condolences.

“The Kankakee County Sheriff’s Office stands with the Momence School District during this difficult time. Friends, family and classmates are all in our prayers,” the sheriff’s office wrote on Facebook.

A GoFundMe page created by Amari’s family raised more than $47,000 as of Monday morning.

“As some if not all of you may know our precious baby girl passed away last night January 25 when she collapsed at her basketball game,” the loved ones wrote. “We are asking for any and everyone to help us give her the proper home going she deserves.”

One of the people who donated money wrote: “As a former coach, who had a player collapse on the court (luckily she recovered just fine), I will never forget the fear instilled in me from that unforgettable moment & neither will the other players.

“Watching a player leave in an ambulance, or worse a hearse, can’t be unseen. My family & I are praying for her family, coach, teammates, & school districts,” the contributor added.



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