With the 2024 election under three weeks away, Michigan, among the most critical battleground states, has immensely bloated voter rolls.

According to Bridge Michigan, the state’s voter rolls have nearly 500,000 more than the eligible voting population.

“The state currently has 8.4 million registered voters, according to the latest records obtained by Bridge Michigan, nearly 500,000 more than the number of people in the state who are old enough to vote,” Bridge Michigan wrote.

The outlet noted Michigan’s voter rolls are among the most bloated in the nation.

A voter-approved 2018 proposal that automatically registers those 18 and older to vote when applying for a driver’s license, unless they opt out, is partially blamed for the imbalance.

Bridge Michigan reports:

The Republican National Committee sued the state in federal court over the issue in February, demanding the state trim the rolls. The GOP in 2020 filed a similar suit, which was dismissed after thousands were removed from the rolls.

A spokesperson for Democratic Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, who has been named in multiple lawsuits, said the complaints are part of an effort to sow distrust of elections.

The lawsuits, including three filed in the last month, “lay the groundwork to overturn the results of the election if they don’t like them,” said Angela Benander.

The legal challenges “are an attempt to cause people to question the process,“ Benander said.

The GOP lawsuit did not allege fraud but argued the rolls increase the opportunity for it. The suit also claims that inflated rolls cause political parties to spend more money on mailers and other voter outreach.

Since the lawsuit was filed, more than 200,000 more people have registered.

Although 600,000 inactive voters are scheduled to be purged from the state’s voter rolls, it won’t be completed until 2027.

A closer look:


(Credit: Bridge Michigan)

Per Newsmax:

Secretaries of state are required by law to maintain clean voter rolls by removing people who have died, moved, been convicted of a felony, or have otherwise become ineligible to vote.

Benson’s office has removed approximately 800,000 voters since 2019 and plans to remove another 360,000 in 2025. Still, more than 200,000 new voters have registered since the RNC lawsuit was filed, further complicating the issue.


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