A letter to MI Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer by Michigan resident and “mama bear” Jesse Rene.

Dear Governor Gretchen Whitmer,

Yesterday, I received this letter from you. You highlighted a few things about students and parents and teachers, and you made an attempt to connect with me as a mother. While your marketing team is patting themselves on the back for their cute little idea to reach the female head of the household and secure you a vote, I will be sharing this act of ignorance with as many Michiganders as possible.

You see, your letter did nothing more than piss me off. I wrote you in March of 2020 when our schools shut our children out and turned their worlds upside. I wrote you again when you and MDHHS (MI Dept of Health and Human Services) took away sports and forced masks on my boys while playing soccer OUTSIDE. I wrote you again as a registered nurse, relaying my very valid concerns over the mental health of our children and teachers. I wrote again when you forced our kids into remote learning. I wrote you again when your powers were stripped away and you enlisted local health departments to do your bidding. I wrote you again when parental rights were denied and the Michigan Revised School Code was repeatedly violated. I SHOWED UP at your office on the steps of the Capitol with thousands of other moms. You never came out. I wrote you again when I applied to be on your parent council. I wrote you again and again and again.

And you NEVER once wrote back.

So this letter that you used MY hard-earned taxpayer dollars to mail to me like we’re BFFs, is in the damn garbage. Where it belongs. How dare you act like you care about parents, teachers, or our kids when for 29 months you were the ROOT CAUSE of destruction?

I will never forgive you for what you did to my children. Consider this your eviction notice.


A PO’d Michigan Mama Bear

Here is a copy of the letter to Jessica from MI Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer:

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