When President Trump first issued the call for National Guard troops to be sent to the border to help seal it off in light of the “Caravan” of illegals headed our direction, the last state anyone expected to help was California.

Yet that’s precisely what’s happening.

In a shocking move, Gov. Jerry Brown of California announced that he was sending National Guard troops to the border in light of Trump’s call.

TheBlaze is reporting:

Brown made the announcement in a letter to Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis and Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen Wednesday.

“Pursuant to your request,” Brown wrote, “the California National Guard will accept federal funding to add approximately 400 Guard members statewide to supplement the staffing of its ongoing program to combat transnational crime. This program is currently staffed by 250 personnel statewide, including 55 at the California border.”

The 400 California National Guard members from California will add up to a total of 900 at the border when taken with 250 from Texas and 150 from Arizona already announced.

Trump called for the National Guard to be sent to the border last week, saying, “The situation at the border has now reached a point of crisis.”

“The lawlessness that continues at our southern border is fundamentally incompatible with the safety, security, and sovereignty of the American people,” he added. “My Administration has no choice but to act.”

Although Brown seemed to respond affirmatively to Trump’s demand, he added that the California troops would not be fulfilling Trump’s policies at the border.

“Let’s be crystal clear on the scope of the mission,” Brown continued. “This will not be a mission to build a new wall. It will not be a mission to round up women and children or detain people escaping violence and seeking a better life. And the California National Guard will not be enforcing federal immigration laws.”

“Here are the facts: there is no massive wave of migrants pouring into California,” he said. “Overall immigrant apprehensions on the border last year were as low as they’ve been in nearly 50 years.”

Right when you think there might be a teeny, tiny bit of hope for California, Brown drops the ball at the one yard line.

At this point, we should probably just be thankful that the National Guard troops aren’t being sent down to hold everybody else at gun point while allowing illegals to freely cross the border.

When desperate times call for desperate measures, any little bit of help will do.

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