As 100 Percent Fed Up reported, “eleven members of the Estonian Parliament, called the Riigikogu, sent a letter to WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus to provide notification of the country’s rejection of the International Health Regulation (2005) Amendments and the international agreement on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response.”

Estonian Parliament Members Send Letter To WHO Director Rejecting Pandemic Treaty

“Hereby the Republic of Estonia, on the basis of Article 22 of the Constitution of the World Health Organisation, declares that it rejects and does not consent to the international agreement on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response, as well as complementary amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005) and improving the sustainability of financing of WHO,” the letter dated November 22, 2023, stated.

The reasons for rejection and not consenting are the following:

  1. According to Article 121 of the Constitution of the Republic of Estonia, treaties of the Republic of Estonia are ratified and denounced only by the 101-member Parliament the Riigikogu. The Riigikogu has not passed such a resolution.
  2. Taking into account the provisions of Clause 1, the resolution of 4 March 2022 of the European Union Affairs Committee, formed at the Riigikogu, which authorised the European Commission to negotiate on behalf of the Republic of Estonia on the international agreement on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response, as well as
    complementary amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005) and on improving the sustainability of financing of WHO, is therefore null and void.
  3. In the light of Clauses 1 and 2, the resolution of the European Union Affairs Committee of 4 March 2022 is null and void from the moment of its adoption as only nine (9) members of the Riigikogu out of one hundred and one (101) members of the Riigikogu voted in favour of this resolution.

Read the full letter found on the Riigikogu website:

It appears a trend to reject the World Health Organization’s pandemic treaty and proposed amendments is quickly gaining steam.

Reports indicate that New Zealand’s new government has included rejecting the WHO’s proposed amendments as part of its coalition deal.

“We did it. New Zealand has rejected WHO amendments before December 1st. Don’t underestimate the power of your speech & the ability to persuade people through dialogue and courageous compassion,” Dr. Aseem Malhotra said.

“New Zealand faces significant long-term economic, social, and environmental challenges – and at the 2023 General Election New Zealanders voted for change, and a new government with policies to seriously address these challenges,” the Coalition Agreement read.

“The National and New Zealand First Parties commit to forming a Coalition Government with the ACT Party that will provide stability, grow economic prosperity, restore national unity, and boost social cohesiveness, alongside the rights and responsibilities of being a New Zealand Citizen,” it added.

Page 10 of the Coalition Agreement addressed the WHO health regulations.

“Ensure a ‘National Interest Test’ is undertaken before New Zealand accepts any agreements from the UN and its agencies that limit national decision-making and reconfirm that New Zealand’s domestic law holds primacy over any international agreements,” the Coalition Agreement read.

“As part of the above, by 1 December 2023 reserve against proposed amendments to WHO health regulations to allow the incoming government to consider these against a ‘National Interest Test,'” it added.

The agreement also stated to “end all Covid-19 vaccine mandates still in operation.”

From the Coalition Agreement:

The Associated Press provided additional details about New Zealand’s new government:

New Zealanders can expect tax cuts, more police on the streets and less government bureaucracy, according to the three leaders who signed an agreement Friday to form a new government.

The coalition deal ended nearly six weeks of intense negotiations after New Zealand held a general election on Oct. 14.

The deal will see Christopher Luxon serve as prime minister after his conservative National Party won 38% of the vote, the largest proportion of any party.

Luxon thanked New Zealanders for their patience during the negotiations and said each party had made policy compromises to close the deal.

“Our government will rebuild the economy to ease the cost of living, and deliver tax relief to increase the prosperity of all New Zealanders,” Luxon said. “Our government will restore law and order, and personal responsibility, so that Kiwis are safer in their own communities.”

The leaders agreed to make cuts to the public service and train 500 more police within two years. They also agreed to change the mandate of the nation’s Reserve Bank so it focuses solely on keeping inflation low, rather than its current dual mandate to keep low inflation while maintaining maximum employment.

The deputy prime minister role will be split between the other two leaders. It will be held for the first 18 months of the election cycle by maverick 78-year-old lawmaker Winston Peters, who leads the populist New Zealand First party, before he hands the baton for the remaining 18 months to David Seymour, leader of the libertarian ACT Party.

In addition to Estonia and New Zealand, Slovakia has voiced its opposition to the WHO’s proposed health regulations.

“During a SMER party conference, Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico declared that his government will not sign the World Health Organisation’s Pandemic Treaty and SMER Members of Parliament will not ratify in parliament the Pandemic Treaty with the WHO because it is a project of greedy pharmaceutical companies,” The Expose reports.

From The Expose:

Robert Fico was appointed as Slovakia’s Prime Minister for the fourth time on 25 October 2023 after his SMER – Slovenská Sociálna Demokracia (“SMER”) party won the election on 30 September and formed a coalition with the centre-left HLAS – Sociálna Demokracia (“HLAS”) and nationalist Slovenská Národná Strana (“SNS”) parties.

A week ago, during an hour-long speech at the SMER party conference, of which he is chairman, Prime Minister Fico stated that he will not support strengthening the powers of the World Health Organisation (“WHO”) at the expense of sovereign states in the fight against pandemics. “Only insane pharmaceutical companies could come up with such nonsense,” he told the more than 400 guests, ambassadors, delegates and party members present.

His speech is on YouTube in Slovak. There is no autogenerated translation available so we turn to alternative sources for translations into English. Door to Freedom has published the clip below from Fico’s speech with English subtitles.

“I also declare very clearly that SMER – slovenska socialna demokracia (political party) will not support strengthening the powers of the World Health Organization at the expense of sovereign states in managing the fight against pandemics,” Fico said.

Watch the clip with English subtitles at Door To Freedom.

The hour-long speech, without English subtitles, is available below:


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