Do they hear themselves? It’s hard to believe, but during the White House briefing, Jen Psaki claimed lack of “supply” contributes to rising gas prices. This is a self-inflicted wound by the Biden regime after shutting down U.S. energy sources, so we are now energy-dependent. This comes after the Trump administration worked so hard to be energy independent.

The U.S. is now back to depending on OPEC. If this is a “national security” issue, shouldn’t they reopen the Keystone Pipeline?

Open the Keystone Pipeline! Put the Keystone workers back to work!

So many pipeline workers were laid off after Biden’s election with the empty promise of green energy jobs. As gas prices go up, these same workers are still unemployed. This is what happens when political ideology goes before common-sense policy. Biden is beholden to the green energy leftists, so he destroyed America’s energy independence. We have now resorted to going to OPEC.

A laid-off Keystone Pipeline worker blasted President Joe Biden on gas prices and how it’s been “nothing but a total failure” during a segment on Fox News’s “Fox & Friends First” with Carley Shimkus.

The Biden administration has abandoned these workers, and it’s tragic to see.

‘We went from America First to America Last.’

Another pipeline worker called out Biden in August on his lie about green energy jobs:

Laid off, Keystone XL Pipeline worker Neal Crabtree discussed Biden’s energy policy on ‘Fox Business tonight.’ He called out Biden for shutting down the pipeline and then asking for oil from OPEC.

Mr. Crabtree is fantastic at getting to the heart of what’s so wrong about Biden’s far-left green energy policy. He points out that John Kerry lied when he said there would be green energy jobs coming.

“That’s just a flat-out lie!”

Biden’s policy is killing the energy independence that President Trump worked so hard to create. Just like the open border, Biden’s energy policy is destroying America.

Canada called out the hypocrisy of the Biden administration for asking Russia and OPEC to send us oil:

“Disjointed policy” is an understatement!


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