Can you imagine if this woman had been elected in 2016? America, we dodged a bullet!

Hillary and Bill Clinton walked in the Westchester County  Memorial Day Parade in their hometown of Chappaqua, New York.

Other dignitaries joined the Clintons like New York Governor Cuomo, but one thing stood out amongst all the marching dignitaries…That Muumuu!

What was Hillary thinking?! She had on a navy Muumuu with black leggings and some sort of tennis shoe. It’s like they pulled her out of bed to attend this event…Maybe they did!

And there was Bill marching alongside Hillary…mouth agape.

It would be great if the Clintons were a little less out there all the time. You’d think they were trying to capitalize off of their past days in the limelight…We’d hate for people to think they are grifters or something.

With all of the Clinton Foundation influence peddling money gone, maybe they are a little desperate to fleece anyone they can these days. It certainly isn’t from their speaking tour. Tickets were reportedly reduced to $2.00 for their last event!

Would be interesting to know where they get their cash from these days.

It’s hard to believe people still support this woman.

H/T Gateway Pundit

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