Multiple crimes were being committed on Monday night in AOC’s district.

Leadership by New York’s Democrat lawmakers dealing with George Floyd protests that have turned incredibly violent in many areas of NYC has been incredibly poor.

City and state lawmakers were stunned to find out on Twitter that Democrat Governor Andrew Cuomo and NYC’s Democrat Mayor Bill de Blasio were placing the city under an 11 pm curfew.

The inept duo was slammed on Twitter by City Council members for not telling elected officials about the curfew.

While police officers were allegedly being run over and beaten up and local businesses were being destroyed by criminals under the guise of protesters for George Floyd, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D), whose district is in the Bronx, tweeted criticism of President Trump for threatening military action to get these cities and boroughs under control.

In the video below, that was taken in the Bronx, a police officer near Fordham University is knocked to the ground and beaten by thugs, after he allegedly tried to stop looting from happening. (***Warning***video is graphic)

In a video posted by Matt Thomas, a police officer can be seen trying to direct traffic in the Bronx when he is hit by a vehicle and thrown into the air (***Warning***video at link is extremely graphic).

The photo is a screenshot from the video (at the link above).

Joel Fischer shared a video of spontaneous fires everywhere in Brooklyn. It literally looks like a war-zone as people walk through the fires wearing medical masks.

A Twitter user shared footage of looters running out of local Bronx store (**language warning**):

A Twitter user shared a video of the aftermath of the local Fordham mom & pop store that was looted. The Twitter user admonishes the looters, reminding them that the Bronx is the poorest borough in all of NYC, telling the criminals who did the damage to this store that it makes her want to cry to see what they’ve done, telling them they’re not helping.

Here’s the video of looter breaking into the store shown above:

Bronx residents were furious with “protesters” who tore up their neighborhoods.

Looting in Fordham is the dumbest shit ya could really be doing. That is your community. People weren’t even protesting in the Bronx

the looting and fires in the Bronx right now are fucking terrifying when you consider the arson epidemic in the Bronx during the 1970s..


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