The best thing about Joe Biden’s latest gaffe is the hilarious response from Andy McCarthy!

It’s been sad to watch the constant gaffes coming from Joe Biden, but he is putting himself out there in an attempt to get the Democratic nomination for president.

The latest gaffe came today when Biden told a crowd in South Carolina (his firewall) that he worked on the Paris Accord with a Chinese leader who has been dead for decades:

Joe Biden claimed tonight that he worked with Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping on the Paris Climate Accord.

Except the current Chinese President is Xi Jinping.

Deng Xiaoping left office in 1992 and has been dead for 23 years.

The response from Andy McCarthy is great:

“Before or after he consulted Thatcher and got arrested trying to visit Mandela? I’m so confused …”

McCarthy was referring to two previous gaffes where Biden mentioned Margaret Thatcher and Nelson Mandela:

Last May, Biden told a group of donors in Columbia, South Carolina, that “14 heads of state” have contacted him, and “voiced concerns about Trump.” The problem with that is that Bloomberg reports he included Margaret Thatcher in his list of leaders. Did she contact him from the grave? Not only is this really bad form for a former VP, but even worse for someone who is trying to be taken seriously in the 2020 election. Would this comment of faux concern have a tinge of sedition in it?

He did correct himself, claiming he was actually referring to British Prime Minister Theresa May, but the gaffe is out there and is just one more example of Biden’s scattered thinking on the stump (see below).

He also recently claimed he was arrested trying to visit Nelson Mandela in South Africa. The former UN Ambassador Andrew Young spoke up to say he doesn’t recall Biden being arrested during the trip.

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