On Saturday, open borders activists walked out (virtually) of a meeting with Biden’s top officials claiming the administration stabbed them in the back by reinstating the Trump-era “Remain in Mexico” policy. The ‘transformation’ of America is on hold for now, and these activists aren’t happy.

Activists read a statement to the White House Domestic Policy Council’s Esther Olavarria and members of the Department of Homeland Security before the start of the virtual meeting, according to Politico. The activists told officials that they are “playing politics with human lives.”

The huge irony of the advocates accusing the Biden administration of “playing politics with human lives” is that everyone from both sides can agree that Biden is playing politics with immigration. Democrats letting illegals flow by the hundreds of thousands into the US is a political move for votes and to transform the country. Now Biden has betrayed the open borders activists by caving to the pressure of the political unpopularity and optics of open borders.

Immigration activists walked out (virtually) of the zoom meeting – Photo below before they walked out from Alex Thompson from Politico.

“We have sadly reached a turning point,” they said, according to the outlet. The pro-immigration advocates then left the meeting.

Open borders advocate Ariana Saludares said, “I cannot stand one more meeting of them pretending. They give us accolades on the outside, but on the inside, we’re having to take out the metaphoric knives on our back.”



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