Cabot Phillips exposes the protesters at the March for Our Lives…They have no clue what an assault rifle is and really know nothing about guns.

“I kind of do, I kind of don’t”

Via Campus Reform:

On Saturday, hundreds of thousands of students, parents, and teachers took part in demonstrations calling for legislation to prevent school shootings.

Deemed the March For Our Lives, attendees in cities around the country voiced their displeasure with politicians, the NRA, and among other things, firearms themselves. […]

Every single march attendee that we spoke with made it clear: they want to ban assault weapons.

When asked if they knew what an assault weapon was, they were a little less clear.

“Um, I mean no. But ‘assault weapon,’ does that sound safe to you?” said one attendee.

“It’s an arm…like a gun for instance that you can buy at a shop pretty easily, that can like cause more deaths than one I guess,” added another.

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