A shining beacon of health, that’s what Biden is!

At least, that’s what Biden and the White House wants you to believe.

There’s been a lot of talk lately about what’s going on in his head, too much smog in the noggin.

And because of that, there’s been rumors swirling that the Dems are probably planning on replacing him.

Funnily enough, there’s been some reports out stating what the steps would be to replace him, questioning ‘what if’.

Are they trying to get ahead of the story?

Prepare the public for the old switcheroo?

ABC News writes:

Biden isn’t leaving the 2024 race, but how would Democrats pick a nominee if he did?

Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley recently suggested, without evidence, that President Joe Biden will soon be leaving the 2024 race in the wake of a scathing new report from prosecutor Robert Hur that described Biden has having notable memory issues, which he denies.

If the president were to, hypothetically, withdraw from the race or find himself unable to run due to a health-related crisis, high-level Democrats could not simply find someone else to replace him at this point in the election cycle, as Haley or other observers have suggested, according to experts and party rules.

Depending on exactly when Biden were to withdraw from the race, in this scenario, his replacement would first be up to primary voters or, later, Democratic convention delegates or party members themselves.

“It depends on when this disaster happens,” Elaine Kamarck, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution and member of the Democratic National Committee, told ABC News.

If Biden were to die “in the middle of June when all the primaries are over, then it is only the delegates that get to decide,” Kamarck said. But if Biden were to die “tomorrow, there would probably be some primaries that people would run in and get their own delegates elected. It’s a timing question.”

Dom on X makes a good observation.

Notice that the Democrats are trying to shift the conversation from Biden’s mental health to his age.

NBC adds:

Could Democrats replace Biden as their nominee?

It is nearly impossible for the Democratic Party to replace Biden, and the president has given no indication that he intends to step aside — nor is anyone asking him to.

You like that part? “Uh…and no one is asking him to!” This sounds like its spoken by someone that’s guilty in a badly written movie. Anyhow, back to their tale…

Washington is abuzz with fresh concerns about President Joe Biden’s fitness after a special counsel report released Thursday raised questions about his memory.

But Democrats have rallied around Biden and despite the fantasies of some pundits and anxious Democrats, the president is almost certain to be the Democratic Party’s nominee as long as he wants.

Both parties have moved away from the era when insiders in proverbial smoke-filled rooms could be kingmakers at the national conventions, and Biden has dominated every primary he’s competed in thus far.

No prominent Democrats have called for Biden to step aside and there’s no known serious conservations about it.

“The Democratic Party is united in supporting President Biden, who will be his party’s nominee this fall and will make Donald Trump a loser a second time this November,” said Biden campaign spokesperson Daniel Wessel in a statement to NBC News.

In the modern era, a national party has never attempted to adversarially replace their nominee in part because they know it would likely fail. The issue came before both parties in 2016, but neither took such drastic action.

Is it too late for another Democratic candidate to get into the race?

Only a small handful of states have held Democratic presidential primaries thus far. But there is still not enough time for a new candidate to enter the race and beat Biden outright.

Filing deadlines for about 80% of upcoming contests have already passed and cannot be easily changed since they are set in each state. There are not enough delegates at stake in the remaining contests where ballot access is still open to win a majority.

Of course, a Democrat could opt to run as a write-in candidate (though not every state allows write-ins). And Democratic Party rules can be changed. As private organizations, the Democratic and Republican National Committees are legally given a wide berth over how they select their nominees.

What happens if Biden drops out before the convention?

Biden has said he will remain in the race and there is no indication otherwise, but the only plausible scenario for Democrats to get a new nominee would be for Biden to decide to withdraw.

He could do so while serving out the remainder of his term in the White House, as Lyndon Johnson did in 1968.

If Biden were to drop out between now and August, it would most likely create a free-for-all at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago in August.

What happens if Biden withdraws after the convention?

To fill a vacancy on the national ticket, the DNC chair can call a “special meeting” of the full Democratic National Committee, which includes about 500 members. On paper, at least, all it takes is a majority vote of those present to pick a new presidential and vice presidential nominee. But that process would likely be anything but smooth, and be filled with behind-the-scenes jockeying and public pressure campaigns.

If a vacancy were to occur close to the November election, however, it could raise constitutional, legal and practical concerns. Among other issues, ballots have to be printed well in advance of the election and may not be able to be changed in time.

Sounds very interesting. And very shady at the same time.

I’m guessing Democrats probably aren’t the best poker players.

And for the record, here’s a collection of Biden’s blunders that further highlight the current state of his not-so-perfect mental health:

President Trump points out the problem in America isn’t Biden’s declining mental abilities but rather it’s Biden causing the decline of America:

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This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

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