El Dorado, Ark.- Fake black social justice warrior Shaun King posted an image on Twitter of 12 mug shots he claimed appeared on the Union County Sheriff website. The inmates in the photos were pictured wearing black Nike t-shirts. King claims sources have told him the reason the people in the mug shots were wearing Nike t-shirts was to mock Nike’s association with Colin Kaepernick.

Since the accusation became public, the Union County Sheriff’s Office has removed inmate photos from its online jail roster. –KRON4

Here’s the tweet by the fake black social justice warrior, Shaun King, who became popular during the Black Lives Matter riots in Ferguson for his criticism of law enforcement.


If this allegation is true, the Union County Sheriff Department isn’t the first Sheriff’s department to use apparel to send a message.

Former Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, AZ, dubbed “America’s toughest sheriff” was known for using pink apparel to make his prisoners uncomfortable.

Here’s one of the signs that can be found in Arpaio’s jail:

The now-retired Sheriff explained to the Washington Examiner that only convicted criminals are placed in the tents, and they have been home to some storied prisoners: Mike Tyson spent time here, as did basketball player Charles Barkley. The prisoners have been convicted of crimes that don’t warrant sentences of more than a year, such as driving under the influence, drug possession, domestic violence, and car theft.

The first thing one notices about Tent City is the proliferation of pink. From every bunk hangs a pink towel — “why give them a color they like?” reasoned Arpaio — dotting the otherwise bleak desert landscape with artificial optimism.

Arpaio’s goal was to keep prisoners from coming back. His pink line of prison clothing, coupled with hard work and uncomfortable sleeping arrangements might just make former prisoners think twice before committing another crime that could send them back.

What do you think about the Nike t-shirts? Did the Union County Sheriff’s office cross the line?


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