FBI agents are now targeting the Amish, with feds raiding an Amish farmer’s small private farm. The farmer, Amos Miller, now faces hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines.

Miller was running a members-only food club, selling his products to approximately 4,000 customers who purchased his non-USDA-approved meat, eggs, and dairy products. Miller believes he should have the religious freedom to raise and prepare food the way he believes God intended, in accordance with nature.


Miller argues that government regulations and inspections make food less safe. “If you put too many preservatives on the food, the body can’t break it down where you get the health benefits of it,” Miller said. “That’s why all these illnesses are coming out.”

Last spring, a federal judge ruled that Miller must cease and desist all meat sales, sending armed U.S. marshals to take inventory of his meat and search his property every couple of months to ensure he hasn’t slaughtered or sold any more animals.

Miller was ordered to pay a $250,000 fine for “contempt of court,” as well as the salaries of the USDA investigators assigned to his case, adding up to about $300,000 – an amount that would certainly put Miller out of business. After reportedly failing to pay $105,065 in fines, attorneys for the federal government want Amos to be jailed.

“The United States submits that Mr. Miller’s continuing recalcitrance and flouting of the court’s orders requires a robust, more-coercive civil contempt sanction than previously imposed,” wrote government attorneys. “Specifically… the court should order him to be incarcerated until he has paid these sums that are long overdue.”

Tucker Carlson discussed Amos Miller and his farming practices being stopped by the feds on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight,’ criticizing the government’s handling of the case. Carlson brought on Jeremy Loffredo to discuss the implications and the hidden agenda behind these government actions.

“You have this back and forth between the giant empire of the U.S. federal government and this tiny little farm in Bird-in-Hand Pennsylvania,” explained Loffredo.

“They’re coming after Amos to set an example,” he added. “They’re coming after an independent, successful farmer who takes out the government middle men and provides food directly to his community and his people.”

“By taking out the government, you’re taking power away and taking leverage away from the government, and putting that power and leverage in the hands of the community and the farmers and the people,” Loffredo continued. “Amos’ farm doesn’t use any gasoline or any fertilizer. Now, as you know, these commodities have become very expensive because of Biden’s policies in regards to the war in Ukraine and Russia. So, Amos has completely eliminated any risk coming from the international or domestic politics of the Biden administration and they’re coming after him for it.”





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