As Trump Calls For Peace, ABC News Incites, Calls for “Cleansing” of Conservatives
Immediately following the outbreak of violence and vandalism at the capitol buildon on Wednesday, President Trump called for everyone to go home peacefully. However, Fox News reports that ABC News Political Director has now called for the cleansing of the conservative America First Trump movement. In a now-deleted tweet, the POLITICAL DIRECTOR for ABC news said the following:
“Trump will be the ex-president in 13 days. The fact is that getting rid of Trump is the easy part. Cleansing the movement he commands is going to be something else.”
However, he then deleted it:
We know some other authoritarian leaders who cleansed their opposition as well, Mr. Klein. We don’t like them.
It is good to know where you stand on the issue of cleansing large groups of people with whom you disagree, and for whom you control the news.