Maryland’s Court of Appeals has indefinitely suspended an attorney from practicing law in their state after she sent an anti-semitic letter to a client and intentionally misrepresented the situation to Bar Counsel.
The attorney, Amber Maiden, is an employment litigation attorney lawyer who “largely represents employees in the federal employment sector who have experienced employment discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender,” according to her LinkedIn profile.
Maiden is the CEO and founder of Alchemy Enterprises.
In 2019, a Jewish man named Brian Riese hired Maiden to represent him in a case where he was claiming the State Department discriminated against him based on his sex. Maiden, who is Black, eventually joined in on the case as a co-defendant after deciding that the State Department had also discriminated against her based on race. She wanted to raise the damages demand to $20 million, and she wanted half of the money to herself, should they win their case.
After Maiden revealed that she wanted 50% of any damages awarded in the lawsuit, Riese objected. This prompted Maiden to grow angry and hurl horrible, expletive-laced insults at Mr. Riese. In an email, Maiden told Riese that she felt she was “being ambushed or otherwise disrespected,” and accused Riese of mistaking her for “someone far less intelligent,” insisting that this is “almost always the case when dealing with white Americans.”
Mr. Riese responded to the angry letter, saying that he took “great offense” to Maiden’s accusation that he would hold her “in less regard based on race.” Riese then requested that Maiden return all case-related documents to him if she would like to terminate their attorney-client relationship.
About 9 hours later, Maiden responded with an encrypted letter, attaching the password for the letter in the email.
The email contained a 20-page racist, anti-semitic, HIGHLY offensive letter about Riese, calling him a “greedy Jewish man” who benefitted from white privilege. Maiden used insulting, profane, antisemitic language in her letter, exhibiting a major lack of respect for her former client and an entire religious group.
As if this wasn’t insane enough, Maiden wasn’t sure if Riese is Jewish. She just hurls antisemitic insults at him because she “thinks” he is Jewish.
“It’s about to get really real…” began the letter. “I gotta break into my African-American dialect (lots of cursing) so you will understand- I am 100% that b****… and not to be f***ed with.”
“I can tell you right now, money does not move me, the way it moves you,” wrote Maiden. “At the risk of offending you, I am going to say, it’s probably because you’re Jewish (I think) and that seems to be a part of your culture, (with the men anyway, the women are different.)”
“I get that,” continued Maiden,
“And I am not dissing your culture. Not exactly. But I am saying that all cultures have some dysfunction and unhealthiness to them. (Black Americans for example, hate to f***ing read and write… and there are reasons for that-primarily slavery.) Jews don’t have that problem. They are some reading and writing mfers… and some calculating mfers, all into the money. Sometimes it’s too much. It turns into a love of money. And this is a very dangerous thing for the Jews in Germany.”
Maiden then continued to bash white and Jewish people, spewing incredible racism and equating white people to Nazis:
“You white people… almost everything you say, everything you do, really pisses us off (Ghetto Princess talking now) because you people are so insensitive to all the f***ed up sh*t that happens to us (like German Nazis) and you expect us to cry over your pain. Pulease.”
“[I]f you are white in America you are straight up on the Nazi side of it. And if you think we don’t know who you all are, and what you are about and that most of you who vote Repubican are racist AF, and are trying to kill us off, because you don’t want to deal, well you’re wrong.”
As the letter goes on, the racist and antisemitic rhetoric increases, along with the number of profanities. Maiden wraps the letter up, saying,
“I know why you’re like this. If you are in fact Jewish, this is a part of your culture, yall Jew boys and that money… you think it’s antisemitic for people to call you out for the f***ed-up sh*t you do. NO. It is not.”
Maiden insists that she is oppressed by racism in our country, yet somehow has convinced herself that it’s okay for her to casually throw around highly racist comments, expecting to face zero repercussions for her words.
The ignorance of this woman is appalling.
The Maryland Court of Appeals picked this case up, and ruled in favor of the Attorney Grievance Commission of Maryland, finding that Maiden “(1) created, failed to recognize, and failed to act to resolve a conflict of interest; and (2) sent an antisemitic and highly offensive 20-page letter to a client and then later knowingly and intentionally misrepresented to Bar Counsel that she had sent the letter by mistake.”
“The virtues of character, honesty, and integrity are the cornerstone of our legal profession. Ms. Maiden’s conduct in connection with her representation of Mr. Riese and its aftermath fell short of all three of these virtues,” the court ruling states.