Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh might find some justice coming his way as one of his accusers just had a criminal investigation filed on them. If found guilty through a criminal prosecution, they face a potential 10-years in prison if found in violation of 18 U.S.C. §§ 1001 and 1505, both of which have a maximum penalty of five years each.

The criminal investigation request was filed on Saturday by Senate Committee Judiciary chairman Chuck Grassley. He seems to be very unhappy with what one of his fellow politicians has done, especially considering the nature of the accusation and the fact that it was from an anonymous tip, does not appear to have been vetted or found to be authentic, and was still passed along by a Democrat.

It was Democrat Senator Sheldon Whitehouse who was contacted by an anonymous male accuser who said that Kavanaugh and friend Mark Judge sexually assaulted a “close acquaintance” of his. The alleged crime was reported to have happened 33 years ago in Rhode Island while the accused were on a boat.

A totally anonymous tip with no substantial evidence, witnesses, or anything.

Blumenthal made a major mistake on the way he handled it. It doesn’t seem like he did any research or investigating of this claim to be sure that it was legitimate. He just passed it off instead of digging into it first. Had he spent a bit of time looking into it, then he could’ve discovered that it was false and worthy of no merit. Instead, he passed it to his cohorts. And you know how politics are, once someone shares something, it tends to leak. There are more leaks in Government these days than anything, just ask Christine Blasey Ford who wanted her letter private, but made the mistake of giving it to Dianne Feinstein, and her office apparently leaked it.

According to BizPacReview, he did not seem to perform any due diligence on it. Instead, he sent the allegations to other members of the Senate Judiciary Committee. They reportedly brought it up for discussion with Kavanaugh during a phone interview.

The mistake is that it doesn’t seem like anyone researched further into the allegations to make sure they were legitimate, authentic, and were worth discussing. No one knows if the person who contacted Blumenthal was just messing around, or if they even exist. An anonymous complaint should be looked into in order to ensure that it’s factual and there is legitimacy to it before raising attention to it.

BPR reported:

“The event took place on a 36-foot maroon and white 12 boat in the harbor at Newport, Rhode Island, after the three had met at a local bar,” an unspecified committee member revealed to the SCOTUS nominee during the interview, according to a transcript.

“According to [the anonymous complainant], when he learned of the assault at approximately 5:00 a.m. that same morning, he and another individual went to the harbor, located the boat the victim had described and physically confronted the two men, leaving them with significant injuries.”

The unnamed accuser then buried the issue for 33 years, up until the moment he saw Kavanaugh on television and recognized him as the man who’d allegedly raped his “close acquaintance.”

A day after the committee revealed the not-yet-publicized allegation to Kavanaugh, someone used a Twitter account with the name “Jeffrey Catalan” to recant it:”

Here’s the tricky part.

No one knows if “Jeffrey Catalan” is the person’s real name. No one knows if the person who manages that twitter account is the person who made the anonymous allegations. It seems like no one knows anything and there doesn’t seem to be a real person behind the story.

Could this be someone making up a story? Or is this another attempt to smear Kavanaugh’s name in the hopes that he backs out of the Supreme Court seat? Are Democrats doing everything they can to stall and prevent Trump from putting a Republican on the Supreme Attorney
The Democrats had a chance to retain a seat if Ruth Bader Ginsburg had retired under Obama and allowed him to nominate someone.

Chuck Grassley stepped in. He filed a letter with Attorney General Jeff Sessions and also FBI Directory Christopher Wray. The letter requested the criminal investigation of the person who made the false accusation which was later recanted.

As per BPR, “I write today respectfully referring [the anonymous complainant] for investigation of potential violations of 18 U.S.C. §§ 1001 and 1505, for materially false statements [the anonymous complainant] made to the Committee as part of its investigation of allegations against Judge Kavanaugh,” he wrote.”

The same Twitter account who is supposedly connected with the anonymous and false accusation of Kavanaugh was also seen posting anti-Trump messages.

When people talk about political motives being behind the Kavanaugh character assassination, I think we can start to believe them.

It seems very odd that it’s mostly all Democrats who oppose Kavanaugh joining the Supreme Court, but years ago it was almost always a bipartisan effort to vote people in. Now the right and left is split very hard down the center and it’s all because Trump defeated Hillary in 2016.

How low will they go?

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