Joe Biden has enlisted far-left Democrats AOC, Bernie Sanders, and Beto O’Rourke to help him with policy. They’ve pulled him to the far-left on several important agendas like global warming via the Green New Deal, gun rights, and raising taxes.

Senator Bernie Sanders was recently interviewed and claimed Biden moved “a whole lot” in many areas:

The far left is dragging Biden across the finish line in this election, but Biden has already spoken out about his policies.

-Biden is on the record in support of the Green New Deal, which is more about socialism than climate. Redistribution of wealth by using your hard-earned money via taxes will skyrocket under Biden.

-Biden has already said he will raise taxes.

-Biden recently said he wants unlimited immigration and is for open borders.

-Biden is the darling of the teacher’s union and will throw money at them if he’s elected.

-Biden will follow the movement to take funds away from our police force and distribute it to social justice causes.

-Biden will move to a single-payer system in healthcare.

The Socialist movement will use Biden as their puppet all the way if he’s elected.

Greg Gutfeld recently discussed Biden’s “economically terrifying” plan, if elected:

Wake up America!

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