The Biden administration is threatening to withhold aid for lunch money from schools that don’t comply with radical, progressive ideology on gender and sexuality, The Center Square reports.

“Biden rule takes lunch money from schools that reject progressive gender, sexuality agenda,” the outlet wrote.

The Biden administration continues operating as a nationwide school bully, tying federal education funding to far-left policies to indoctrinate children.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture, which handles federal help for school lunches, weaponizes Title IX to push a progressive agenda on schoolchildren.

“School lunch funding goes through the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) of USDA. The USDA said in May 2022, it would change its longstanding interpretation of Title IX, the law broadly governing discrimination protections in education,” Andrea Shaffer wrote.

“The new regulation could lead to schools being forced to allow transgender girls use facilities reserved for biological girls or to toe the line on preferred pronoun usage, among other things. Welcome to President Biden’s dictatorial bizarre clown world,” she added.

The Center Square provided further details:

The USDA said at the time it would change its longstanding interpretation of Title IX, the law broadly governing discrimination protections in education. USDA said it would expand its previous prohibition against discriminating based on sex “to include discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.”

School lunch funding goes through the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) of USDA.

“As a result, state and local agencies, program operators and sponsors that receive funds from FNS must investigate allegations of discrimination based on gender identity or sexual orientation,” USDA said in a statement. “Those organizations must also update their non-discrimination policies and signage to include prohibitions against discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation.”

That change has major legal and taxpayer dollar implications and is an unprecedented reinterpretation of the statute, according to experts. For instance, schools receiving Pell grants, FAFSA, or students who receive federally subsidized school lunch funding will be subject to the new Title IX interpretation or risk losing that funding.

“This is a significant departure from what Title IX has always been interpreted to be,” Sarah Perry, a lawyer at the Heritage Foundation and expert on this issue, told The Center Square.

With an ever-growing number of orientations and gender identities, and despite the political divide on the issue, schools will now be forced to comply on the complex and highly politicized gender and sexuality issue.

“This is a significant interpretation to say that sex equals sexual orientation and gender identity when Title IX, we know, dates back to 1972 and the women’s liberation movement, and at the time there was an entire campaign by LGBTQ activists to be included in anti-discrimination law indicating that they themselves did not believe that they were protected in these particular contexts,” Perry said.

“Senate Republicans tried and failed 47-50 to overturn the USDA reinterpretation via the Congressional Review Act,” the outlet noted.

However, the USDA will not require religious schools to follow the new Title IX regulations.

Per Newsmax:

The Agriculture Department (USDA) will not require religious schools to follow the new Title IX regulations, after a lawsuit condemned the Biden administration for threatening to take away lunches from children attending Christian schools.

Friday’s USDA determination comes on the heels of the White House’s springtime attempt to broaden the definition of the Title IX statute — which recently had its 50th anniversary — where sex-based discrimination would subsequently include “sexual orientation” and “gender identity.”

As such, schools and other qualifying organizations would have been tasked with updating its non-discrimination policies to receive funding from the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) and its National School Lunch Program (NSLP).

However, in the wake of the Biden administration’s adjusted definition of Title IX, religious institutions claimed the mandate would infringe on rights covering religious freedom and free speech.

Also, the religious educational entities argued the Biden administration was effectively holding school lunches hostage, as a means of furthering the White House’s agenda.

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