Leftist comedian Bill Maher, whose career is dependent on his ability to speak freely about current topics, appears to be having a change of heart over his “woke” party.

Yesterday, during his opening monologue, the HBO “Real Time” host went off on an epic rant over woke individuals who can’t seem to stop whining about the oppression, sexism, and homophobia they face in America. Maher ripped into dimwitted Americans who have no idea what real oppression looks like.

“Watching the shit go down in Afghanistan has reminded me of all the conversations I’ve ever had with an immigrant, almost all of which—if we got to really talking—included the notion of ‘Oh you people have no idea, all you do is bitch about and bad mouth your own country, but if you knew about the country I came from, you’re stop shitting on your own,'” Maher said.

He mocked Americans his fellow liberals, telling them they only need to look at Afghanistan to see what oppression looks like.

“I never had to worry about being dragged until I’m dead behind a Toyota Tacoma. Have a little perspective about the things we howl about here.”

Daily Mail reports – He mocked ‘woke liberals’ for being angry their professor didn’t agree with them and that the only people who lived without water in this country ‘live in California,’ and the only ones who starve are actors for a role.

‘I’m sorry your professor said something you didn’t like. That wouldn’t be a problem with the Taliban because you’re not allowed to go to school. In Saudi Arabia, grown women can be jailed for doing things we think of as routine without the permission of a male guardian.

‘China rounds you if you’re the wrong religion and puts you in camps. More children in Burkina Faso work than are in school. Only five percent of Burundians have electricity. The homicide rate in Honduras is eight times what it is here. The inflation rate is in Venezuela is 2,719 percent. The Philippines in the last five years has put to death 27,000 low-level drug dealers, my old job,’ he said.

‘In North Korea, people starve to death. The only people who starve here are doing it for a role, and the only people who have no water live in California.

‘If you think America is irredeemable, turn on the news or get a passport and get a ticket on one of those sketchy airlines that puts its web address on the plane.’

Maher claimed Americans aren’t ‘the bad guys’ and the country isn’t ‘rotten to its core’ as troops were sent over to stop oppression in Afghanistan in 2001.

‘That doesn’t make us the bad guys; we’re not the bad guys. Oppression is the bad guy,’ he said.

‘Oppressions is what we were trying to stop in Afghanistan. We failed, but any immigrant will tell you, we’ve largely succeeded here, and yet the current thrush of woke ideology is that America is rotten to the core, irredeemably racist from the moment it was founded, and so oppressive, sexists, and homophobic that we can’t find a host for the Oscars or Jeopardy,’ he exclaimed.

‘Have you ever heard of honor killings? Public beheadings? Throwing gays off of roofs? Arranged marriages for minors? State-sanctioned wife beatings? Female genital mutilation? Marriage by capture? Because we have.

‘What’s the lesson of Afghanistan? Maybe it’s that everyone from the giant dorm room b****h-fest session that is the internet should take a good look at what real oppression looks like. Ask your maid, ask your Uber driver, ask the Asian woman giving you a massage.’

‘America may not be the country of your faculty lounge and Twitter dreams, but no one here tries to escape by hanging onto an airplane. No, we wait until we’re inside the plane to fight, and that’s because they cut off the beverage service!’

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