Television host Bill Maher declared on a recent episode of HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher that Joe Biden is “going to lose” the 2024 presidential election.

Maher made the blunt statement during a segment on the 2024 election with former DNC chair Donna Brazile and former Republican congressman Adam Kinzinger.

“Do I think Joe Biden can do the job? Absolutely. I don’t think he can win the job and that’s what I care about. He’s going to lose,” Maher said.


Mediaite reports:

Maher brought up Democrat David Axelrod’s recent comments that Biden should “get out or get going” in the campaign, which he said in response to a report claiming Biden called the veteran campaign strategist a “prick” for floating the idea that Democrats might need a different nominee.

Brazile and Maher agreed in principle that everyone ages differently and that ageism is bad, but Maher said the issue is the perception of Biden by the electorate.

Maher’s comments echo sentiments made by notorious anti-Trumper actor Michael Rapaport.

“A dude who fancies himself a Comedian and Actor named Michael Rapaport has been suffering an EXTREME case of Trump Derangement Syndrome for the better part of 8 years now, but suddenly shocked the world when he went live online to announce he’s not only talked to President Trump but he’s likely going to vote for him in 2024,” 100 Percent Fed Up reported.


Longer clip here, where he talks about having spoken with President Trump:

Fugly Michael Rapaport Says He’s Had Conversation with Donald Trump and Voting for Him is Now on the Table


• He can’t get a job
• The economy sucks
• Mortgage rates are too high
• Interest rates are too high
• Can’t buy a car, can’t buy a house
• There’s no law and order
• Illegals are taking over
• There’s chaos in this country and chaos all over the world

But don’t worry… even if he votes for him, he’s still gonna call him “Pig D*ck Donald Trump”

Cont. from 100 Percent Fed Up:

Ok, so in typical classless fashion he has to point out he’ll still call him “Pig Dick Trump” even if he votes for him.

And you know what?

I don’t have a problem with that.

Free Speech kind of works like that.

But as always, this confirms one of the oldest and most reliable truths in politics, I believe first famously said by James Carville: “It’s the economy stupid!”

People can go Far Left Woke and dream about Far Left ideals…..UNTIL… hits THEM in the pocketbook.

So people like Michael Rapaport, who have maybe banked up some money from his time in Hollywood, might be able to stay Far Left for longer than most, but eventually when even he can’t get a job anymore or afford a house or afford a car, finally even he taps out.

It’s the economy stupid!


And eventually people realize that and say “Enough’s Enough!” when they themselves turn poor.

Often it’s too late by that point, but credit to Michael for finally waking up.

For a history on Michael’s Extreme TDS and prior flare-ups, keep reading:

TDS ALERT: Michael Rappaport Goes On Another Unhinged Meltdown Over Trump…

Michael Rappaport just went on another unhinged meltdown over Trump and Russia and Ukraine.

I know, many of you are saying “Michael who?”

But he’s semi-famous, or was at one time, and claims to be a comedian, or was at one time…

Kind of like Kathy Griffin, D List material I guess.

Almost two years into Trump being out of public office and Trump is still living rent-free in this guy’s head.

Kind of sad.

Kind of funny.

Very tacky.

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