In a video that has gone viral, a black college graduate caused a huge scene during her graduation ceremony, aggressively snatching the microphone out of an administrator’s hands because she didn’t “get her moment.”

Kadia Iman, a recent college graduate, was recorded wrestling the mic away from a school official and angrily announcing to the audience that she was not given the chance to say her full name.

“I want the mic! Let go! Let go!” yelled Iman. “You didn’t let me get my moment!”

She then said her full name, adding “I am graduating today.”

“I don’t like how you snatched the mic out of my hand, so today is gonna be all about me,” said the entitled graduate, slamming the microphone onto the ground and walking away.

She seemed to be oblivious to the fact that by making the day “all about her,” she was taking away from the special moment for all the other graduates who worked just as hard as she did to get their degrees.

Conservative commentator Matt Walsh posted a video of the incident on Twitter, bashed Iman as “the most uninteresting and unimpressive person you’ll ever encounter.”

“It’s always the dullest, blandest nobodies who think they’re the main characters,” wrote Walsh.

After this fiasco, Iman posted a video on TikTok explaining her side of the events.

“I was walking on and we had to announce our names – to say our name before we got on the stage,” said Iman. “So, I was saying my name and she [the school official] literally – my name is long, obviously, I have like three syllables in my name… I’m not gonna say exactly my name right now – so I didn’t even get to finish saying my name.”

Iman added that the graduates that went before her said their names, majors, and “extras” before moving on, but alleged that she was pulling the mic away really fast from some black students.

“I just couldn’t let that happen, ’cause I just feel like I worked so hard to graduate and went through so much sh*t to graduate, that I just felt like I had to reclaim my moment,” she added.

While the graduate deserved to say her name just like all the other graduates did, there were much more appropriate ways to handle the situation than aggressively wrestling the administrator for the microphone and causing a childish scene.


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