Bo Polny was back on my show recently and oh my did we cover a lot!

We almost didn’t get to bring you this one, we faced one obstacle after another….six hours worth of problems!  Then even when we tried to go live, my screen suddenly turned all pink and I couldn’t see anything!

Talk about some spiritual warfare!

I guess someone really didn’t want us to get this message out, but we did not give up and we finally got it posted!

Bo is saying he has a new “Worldwide 9/11” style event on his radar, and he has two major dates circled on his calendar.

He also covered some FASCINATING new discoveries with the Torah Codes (if you’ve heard of those) and why they all point to Trump coming back in a big way this year.

Perhaps even earlier than November!

We also had a big segment on Gold, Silver and Cryptocurrency and we answered a reader question that was mailed in from Joyce S.

Spoiler alert: Bo is still expecting Bitcoin over $100,000 in 2024 with a big spike, then a huge drop, then another big spike.

All the details are in the video below….

This one took some heavy-lifting to get it to you, so please enjoy:

Here are the links you need:

👉Bo Polny’s website (Newsletter Signup):
👉Cryptocurrency School, The ABC’s of How/Where to Start:
👉Promo Code: WLT49

🙌 Download Bo’s slides for free:

Backup here on Rumble if needed: