On Friday, Biden’s disgraced Attorney General, Merrick Garland claimed that those who speak out against the Department of Justice are attacking an institution vital to preserving American democracy.

In a briefing, Garland was asked to address the claims of corruption against the FBI and federal law enforcement agencies and if people have cause to be concerned about the integrity of the justice department. Garland failed to weigh in on FBI and DOJ corruption, instead claiming it is an attack on Democracy to question an institution. 

Questioning unprincipled institutions is part of America’s DNA. Perhaps AG Garland has never read about America’s founding or revolt against Great Britain’s tyranny. He responded to the question saying,

“I certainly understand that some have chosen to attack the integrity of the Justice Department as components and its employees by claiming that we do not treat like cases alike,” said Garland. “This constitutes an attack on an institution that is essential to American democracy and essential to the safety of the American people.” 

Twitter users were quick to point out how ridiculous Garland’s response was. “Attorney General Merrick Garland just went on TV and lied and called any attack on the DOJ an attack on American Democracy. His justice department has been under fire because they’ve become so obvious while covering up for Hunter and Joe Biden and weaponizing the institution to attack the leading Presidential candidate Donald Trump.

The statements from Garland come in the wake of whistleblower testimonies claiming that the DOJ is subverting justice by blocking investigations and holding up the release of evidence against Joe and Hunter Biden. Hunter Biden’s ridiculous plea deal disgusted Americans weary of the two-tiered justice system. Hunter is clearly not receiving the same penalty any normal citizen would.

According to the Post Millennial, In May, IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley purported that the DOJ was treating Hunter with “preferential treatment” stemming from “unchecked conflicts of interest” in the case. He noted that this was “an important and high-profile investigation of the President’s son.”

Shapely called for equal treatment for all Americans, saying that treating every taxpayer the same builds trust in the institutions,

“The mission of IRS CI is to investigate potential criminal violations of the Internal Revenue Code and related financial crimes in a manner that fosters confidence in the Code and compliance with the law. That mission can only be met by treating every taxpayer we encounter the same.”

Clearly, AG Garland could stand to be reminded that the FBI and DOJ’s actions are eroding American confidence in institutions that previously were admired and trusted.

Benny Johnson posted a clip of Representative Clay Higgins calling for FBI accountability for their alleged role on January 6. His tweet was followed by a poll asking if the FBI should testify about J6 under oath. The overwhelming majority (93.6%) of respondents believe federal law enforcement is not above the law and should be questioned.


A second poll found Twitter respondents also overwhelmingly supported impeaching Joe Biden, AG Garland, FBI Director Chris Wray, and DHS Secretary Mayorkas.

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