Liberal elitist and CNN analyst Jeffrey Toobin is in big trouble after he was allegedly caught masturbating during a zoom call with other journalists.

UPDATE from Vice – The New Yorker has suspended Chief Legal Analyst for CNN, New Yorker staff writer,Jeffrey Toobin for masturbating on a Zoom video chat between members of the New Yorker and WNYC radio last week. Toobin says he did not realize his video was on.

Sources tell VICE it’s because he exposed himself during a Zoom call last week between members of the New Yorker and WNYC radio.

Toobin said in a statement to Motherboard: “I made an embarrassingly stupid mistake, believing I was off-camera. I apologize to my wife, family, friends, and co-workers.”

“I believed I was not visible on Zoom. I thought no one on the Zoom call could see me. I thought I had muted the Zoom video,” he added.

New Yorker spokesperson Natalie Raabe said: “Jeffrey Toobin has been suspended while we investigate the matter.”

Toobin’s Conde Nast email has been disabled and he has not tweeted since October 13. He did, however, appear on CNN, where he is the network’s chief legal analyst, on Saturday. “Jeff Toobin has asked for some time off while he deals with a personal issue, which we have granted,” CNN said in a statement.

Sean Davis, co-founder of The Federalist tweeted about CNN’s Chief Legal Analyst’s disgusting scandal:

“A CNN analyst who tried to bully a colleague’s daughter whom he impregnated into getting an abortion, and who then refused to pay child support, “accidentally” showcased his schvantz during a Zoom call with other reporters.”

David was referring to a story published by The Daily Wire on June 28, 2018- According to NY Daily News, Toobin has some deeply personal reasons to fret over abortion being doomed, because he once allegedly offered his mistress, Casey Greenfield, money to have one.

“Greenfield, now 36, was in her 20s when she fell for Toobin, now 49, even though he was wed to Amy McIntosh, the Harvard sweetheart he’d married in 1986 and who gave him two children,” the NY Daily News reported in 2010. “In 2008, when Greenfield became pregnant, and when she told Toobin the news, he offered her ‘money if she’d have an abortion,’ says a source. He also allegedly offered to pay for her to have another child later via a sperm donor.”

Thankfully, Casey Greenfield did not get the abortion and had the child, a son. Despite Toobin’s initial fight, he eventually did acquiesce to a paternity test, which indeed confirmed him as the father.

“When Casey wouldn’t have an abortion, Jeff told her she was going to regret it, that she shouldn’t expect any help from him,” another source told the NY Daily News.

Here’s the sanctimonious Toobin railing against the possibility of a pro-life Supreme Court Justice being confirmed on CNN saying “Roe V. Wade is doomed because Donald Trump was elected.”

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