Think the Ryan Routh story is weird?

You ain’t seen nothing yet!

Because news just broke this morning that Routh, in a hand-written letter that has just now been released (by the FBI in a court filing, oddly enough) has offered a $150,000 bounty for anyone who can “finish the job” he failed to do.

Extremely creepy.

Extremely weird.

Take a look:

Here’s a larger view:

Full letter transcript:

Dear World,

This was an assassination attempt on Donald Trump but I am so sorry I failed you. I tried my best and gave it all the gumption I could muster. It is up to you now to finish the job, and I will offer $150,000 to whomever can complete the job.

Everyone across the globe from the youngest to the oldest know that Trump is unfit to be anything, much less a U.S. president. U.S. presidents must at base minimum embody the moral fabric that is America and be kind, caring, and selfless and always stand for humanity. Trump fails to understand any of…

First of all, yes it is real.

You can read the entire court filing which contains this letter here.

But first allow me to explain….

Many are alleging this letter is a fake created by the FBI, and I want to acknowledge that and say the thought has definitely crossed my mind, but we’re going to set that aside for a moment and just examine it at face value.

The story here is that this letter was allegedly written before the alleged attempt on President Trump’s life and set to be released if/when Routh failed.

Which immediately brings to light so many questions…

What were the mechanics of how this got released?

Who was holding it?

If Routh failed, he would likely either be in prison or dead, so how did he intend on paying out the $150,000?

And perhaps the biggest of all: by all accounts, Routh was broke.  Where did he think he could find $150,000?

Which is why so many believe the letter to be a fake, but again I’m not claiming that.  Everyone can make up their own mind.

Here’s a really great video from my friend Kevin explaining it for all the visual learners out there:

Full video transcript:


Okay, this is wild. Apparently, the gunman wrote a note that was meant to be read in case the Trump assassination failed, which obviously it did. Take a look at this. This just dropped by The Wall Street Journal here. West Palm Beach, Florida—a man who allegedly tried to kill Trump on a Florida golf course had been planning for months to shoot the president. He was keeping a detailed list of Trump’s whereabouts and writing a note in case the assassination attempt failed.

Now, it’s REM—Remble, is—how does somebody keep detailed lists of Trump’s whereabouts? Like, these things are not supposed to happen. This is not good. The note he wrote:

Dear World, this was an assassination attempt on Donald Trump, but I am sorry I failed you.

This is something. Actually, you almost wonder if he was sort of inspired by the first Trump shooter. The first Trump shooter who, you know, nicked Trump’s ear there had a lot of people on social media—obviously, they received a lot of backlash for this—but a lot of people on social media arguing, Wow, you failed at your job. You know, obviously that’s extremist. Nobody should be encouraging anybody to be killed. So, it’s remarkable, but it does make you wonder: Was this person inspired by the first shooter? And is this going to potentially inspire other attempts or shootings?

The handwritten note from Ryan Ruth said, I tried my best, and I gave it all the gumption I could muster. It’s up to you to finish the job, and I will offer $150,000 to whomever can complete the job. Wow, that’s crazy. So, either he was expecting this from jail or from the grave, but he’s offering a $150,000 bounty for whatever this guy’s reputation is worth to anybody else who finishes the job of assassinating the president. This is absolutely insane.

Federal prosecutors included a photo of the note in a new court filing as they urge a judge to keep Ruth detained. Yeah, no kidding. Don’t let him out on bail, please. A witness found the note inside of a box that Ruth dropped off months before the encounter. The witness opened the box, which also contained ammunition, tools, and a metal pipe, after learning Ruth had been accused of trying to kill Trump. Wait, so in other words, this person could have opened this box, like, months ago and discovered that the person was intending on assassinating Trump? That’s even freakier.

The note was one of several new revelations about Ruth’s plans in the months and weeks before the Secret Service allegedly saw him pointing a semi-automatic rifle through the golf course fence, where Trump was playing a few holes away. Ruth had compiled a handwritten list of dates and places where he expected the president to be and arrived in Florida more than a month before the encounter. Cell phone records showed he had, on multiple days, traveled near the Trump International Golf Course in West Palm Beach, about five miles from the Mar-a-Lago residence, between August 18th and the September 15th incident.

Ruth, 58, is expected in federal court this morning where we’ll hash out some more of the details here. Ruth also apparently hid undetected in the golf course for nearly 12 hours that day before Secret Service agents spotted him and opened fire. Authorities don’t believe Ruth had fired at all. He had been roughly 400 yards away. Yeah, remember, this was something else—that when you look at the map of the Trump International Golf Course in West Palm, you jump over to the right side of the golf course, which is roughly where hole five and then below it, hole six, is—you can kind of see the scenery here. Move over on the Google Street View to here. You kind of see where you can sneak between the few hedges here and the fencing. So, this would give you some real good concealment from the street side, and you’d really only be visible from the golf course side.

So, pretty, you know, frankly, tactical position. Obviously not good enough not to get spotted, but authorities found a loaded semi-automatic SKS-style rifle with a scope, two backpacks, and a bag of food in the area where the suspect had been hiding. Wow. And a bag of food. On Monday, prosecutors revealed that they also found two additional license plates and six cell phones, one of which contained a Google search for “How to travel from West Palm to Mexico.” Wow. Interesting. So, he was trying to bail to Mexico after the shooting.

The rifle had a serial number that had been scratched off—a wrinkle that has made it difficult for law enforcement to quickly determine how the felon was able to obtain the weapon. Investigators found a notebook with dozens of pages filled with names and phone numbers pertaining to Ukraine and notes criticizing the governments of China and Russia. He had been a pro-Ukrainian activist. Close call came as America is increasingly on edge—blah blah blah. So, a wild new sort of revelation in this $150,000 bounty now given by this individual to a potential future Trump shooter. This just seems like a bizarre update in the case. Even more bizarre that the note was written months before and only discovered after the fact.

This is a very, very strange world we’re in. Who did he drop this box off to? Why did this person have a box with a note inside of it that said, By the way, I’m sorry I failed to kill the president? What is this? Was this like one of those boxes you drop off and you’re like, Don’t open this unless something happens to me? Weird. Very sus.

Anyway, if any of this makes you nervous, remember, you could always get a full financial plan from a licensed financial advisor. My in-office team over at—we are launching the official sign-ups for it today at 5 p.m. California time. So, stay tuned for that, or you can sign up for the interest list now and get an email when it’s ready over at Thanks so much for watching. We’ll see you in the next one. Goodbye and good luck!

Why not advertise these things that you told us here? I feel like nobody else knows about this. We’ll try a little advertising in SEO. Congratulations, man, you have done so much. People love you. People look up to you, Kevin.

Very scary….

Why even release this?

“They want him dead”


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Ryan Routh CAUGHT ON VIDEO, Bused in for Kamala Campaign Event Just FOUR DAYS Before…?

MUST READ: DOJ Releases Letter Of Trump Assassination Suspect, Wrote He Inteded To Kill President Trump

This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

View the original article here.


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