Maybe it’s just coincidence but the refugee/immigrant flooded town (please see the mind blowing stats below) of Worcester, Mass just had a robbery of weapons and the FBI is looking into it.  Move along…nothing to see here…

The FBI says weapons are missing after a break-in at the Army Reserve Center in Worcester.

Six M4 assault rifles, ten pistols, and several long guns were taken from the armory. The break-in was discovered this morning. The armory’s alarms did not go off, according to the source who added they may have been disabled due to ongoing construction.

The FBI says it is working with State Police and Worcester Police to recover the weapons.

“There is no indication that these missing weapons are connected to any kind of terrorism threat whatsoever. Nevertheless, every effort will be made to recover these weapons immediately,” the FBI said in a statement.

The weapons have been entered into a national database, according to the FBI. Federal, state and local law enforcement authorities have been alerted.


The town of Worcester, Mass has been hammered with immigrants/refugees! You really won’t believe the stats on this town:

The demographics of the City of Worcester underwent a considerable change between 2000 and 2010, according to a new report from the Worcester Regional Research Bureau.
In “Worcester’s Demographic Trends: 2010 Census,” the Research Bureau found that the city’s African American population increased by 77 percent during the first decade of the 21st Century. During the same period, the Latino population grew by 45 percent and the Asian population grew by 31 percent as well.

Meanwhile, the number of residents identifying as white decreased by more than 5 percent, even as the city’s overall population grew by almost 5 percent to 181,045.

Since bottoming out in 1980, Worcester’s population has grown by nearly 20,000 residents, an increase of almost 12 percent over three decades.

Surprising Demographic Shifts

“I think the most surprising was where people are coming from,” said Roberta Schaefer, president and CEO of the Research Bureau.

As of the 2010 Census, 3,401 residents, or 9.63 percent of the city’s foreign-born population, immigrated from Brazil, earning the South American country the top spot on the list.

With 3,356 foreign-born residents, or 9.51 percent of the immigrant population, originating from Vietnam, the country came in a close second. Ghana rounded out the top three as the home country for 3,049 residents, or 8.64 percent of the foreign-born population in Worcester.

Don’t you know the State Department wants to flood this town with Syrian refugees: REFUGEES CONTINUE TO FLOCK TO WORCESTER  This is insane!

via: whdh

Via: Go Local Worcester


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