Joe Biden ended his speech (entire speech below) on new mandates on COVID by grinning and then angrily slamming his hand on the podium.

What’s worse is he completely ignored questions from reporters on whether the vaccine mandates are Constitutional.

Biden’s speech will not be taken lightly by anyone who sees through this charade where Biden is just trying to gin up fear and division:

Biden declared war on the unvaccinated. Biden said NOTHING about naturally acquired immunity which is stronger than the vaccine. About 100 million Americans already have natural immunity but Biden is going to throw them under the bus. Is this all about Big Pharma and getting jabs in people?

Greg Gutfeld said what everyone is thinking when The Five came on immediately after Biden’s speech. Jesse Watters also made great points on the Biden speech.

Greg Gutfeld begins speaking at about the 3:23 point:


Joe Biden announced sweeping new mandates today for federal employees and even private businesses, forcing COVID jabs or weekly tests for everyone.

Biden also went after state leaders, saying he would target them and use his power to “get them out of the way” if they didn’t comply with his mandates. He claimed that “this is not about “freedom or personal choice.” (see video below)

He then announced that the National Transportation and Safety Board  would be going after people who don’t mask up.  According to the Chicago Tribune, Biden is moving to double federal fines for airline passengers who refuse to wear masks on flights or to maintain face covering requirements on federal property in accordance with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines.

“If You Break The Rules, Be Prepared To Pay”

If Biden is worried about his poll numbers now, just wait. Americans will be pushing back on this tyrannical move from the Biden administration.

Additional clips from Biden’s announcement:.

Joe Biden just announced that all federal employees would have to be vaccinated. Then he announced another mandate that ALL businesses with 100 or more employees will have to require COVID vaccinations or weekly tests.

Yes, Tyrant Biden is directing the Labor Department to develop rules requiring any employer with 100 or more employees to get their workforce vaccinated or require unvaccinated employees to test negative on “a weekly basis.”

During the announcement about the mandates, Biden claimed this is not about freedom of choice. If it’s not about that, then what is it?

The effort to control what private businesses do is just the latest in many tyrannical moves by Biden.

This will incentivize businesses to keep employees below 100 employees. Who wants to give up control of their business to more labor regulations?

Lastly, Biden claims he will go after governors who don’t follow what he’s mandating by saying he will  get them “out of the way.”

Biden just challenged Florida Governor DeSantis. This will be good.

The Entire Speech Below:

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