The anonymous IRS criminal investigator best known as “Whistleblower X” has been revealed as IRS special agent Joseph Ziegler.

Ziegler, who was previously part of an IRS investigation into Hunter Biden, identity was revealed as he went under oath before the House Oversight Committee alongside his fellow IRS whistleblower IRS Supervisory special agent Gary Shapley.

In the hearing, Ziegler stated, “In coming forward, I am risking my career, my reputation, and my casework outside of this investigation.”

He later shared in regard to the Hunter Biden probe “It appeared to me…that the U.S. attorney in Delaware…was constantly hamstrung, limited, and marginalized by DOJ officials as well as other U.S. attorneys. I still think that a special counsel is necessary for this investigation.”

Watch him testify before Congress below:

Here’s what the Washington Examiner reported:

The anonymous IRS criminal investigator once involved in an investigation of Hunter Biden and known only as “whistleblower X” was revealed to the Washington Examiner as IRS Special Agent Joe Ziegler, who has been with the agency since 2010.

Ziegler and veteran IRS Supervisory Special Agent Gary Shapley appeared for a public hearing of the House Oversight Committee to discuss the alleged politicization of the investigation into Hunter Biden. Ziegler’s testimony was released ahead of the hearing, offering some details about his work at the IRS.

The now-revealed whistleblower, whose identity was confirmed to the Washington Examiner by a committee spokesperson, plans to say that he made the decision to come forward after “multiple attempts at blowing the whistle internally” at the IRS.

“In coming forward, I am risking my career, my reputation, and my casework outside of this investigation,” Ziegler will say.

Ziegler plans to shoot down any assumptions that he is a more reliable source because he is a “gay Democrat married to a man.

“I’m no more credible than this man sitting next to me due to my sexual orientation or my political beliefs,” Ziegler plans to say. “I was raised and have always strived to do what is right.

“I have heard from some that I am a traitor to the Democratic Party and that I am causing more division in our society. I implore you, that if you were put in my position with the facts as I have stated them, that you would be doing the exact same thing — regardless of your political party affiliation.”

Per Fox News:

The identity of the anonymous IRS whistleblower alleging political misconduct throughout the Hunter Biden investigation has been revealed as special agent Joseph Ziegler — a gay Democrat with more than a dozen years serving within the agency’s criminal investigative division.

Ziegler appeared for the first time publicly before the House Oversight Committee on Wednesday, alongside his IRS supervisor Gary Shapley, who also has blown the whistle on political influence surrounding prosecutorial decisions throughout the years-long federal probe into the president’s son.

He said he is a 13-year special agent within the IRS’ Criminal Investigation Division and described himself as a “gay Democrat married to a man.”

Ziegler is expected to testify that Hunter Biden “should have been charged with a tax felony, and not only the tax misdemeanor charge,” and that communications and text messages reviewed by investigators “may be a contradiction to what President Biden was saying about not being involved in Hunter’s oversea business dealings.”

Ziegler also sat down with CBS:


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