CORRECTION: There has been controversy over the fact that the entire clip from Joe Biden was not included in the video.  Because we want to be as transparent as possible, the entire video of Biden’s speech is below.

CORRECTION: President Trump’s Social Media Director Dan Scavino also misidentified the location of the speech. The original title named the location at St. Louis but the location is Kansas City.

*See update including the video below.

Joe Biden is on top of the world. The geriatric candidate, who is clearly suffering from dementia, broke away from the other Democratic presidential candidates on Super Tuesday, making him the clear favorite to challenge Socialist-Democrat Bernie Sanders.

Joe celebrated his victory on Super Tuesday by referring to his wife, Jill, as his sister.

Joe’s entire campaign has been filled with what the media labels as “gaffes.” But are these humiliating episodes of mental clarity something that voters can keep chalking up to silly “gaffes?”

Today, during a rally in Kansas City, MO, Biden unbelievably told his supporters that they could only re-elect Donald Trump. “We cannot win this re-election.” and “We can only re-elect Donald Trump,” Biden demanded from the podium.


Here’s a new video that was just created of 7-straight minutes of Joe Biden’s campaign “gaffes.” After watching this video, I doubt any sane person believes he should be in the commander in chief of the local playground sandbox.

*UPDATE: CNN is reporting that the video used by Trump War Room was originally posted by Dan Scavino. In their article, they accuse the Trump campaign of deceptively editing the video. The portion of the video that can be seen in the Dan Scavino video starts at the 10:04 mark of the video. The Scavino clip ends at the 10:12 mark where Biden adds, “if in fact we get engaged in this circular firing squad, here.” See here:

While CNN is rallying behind Joe Biden to protect what appears to be dementia, from being exposed, we stand behind our statement that Joe Biden is not fit to become president.


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