John McAfee, the founder of McAfee Anti-Virus software, has been in a Spanish prison for 7 months. Today, he was allegedly found dead in his jail cell. On multiple occasions, McAfee warned that he would not commit suicide or that if he was found dead. in his jail cell, it would be because he was “Epsteined.”

According to Zero Hedge – Just after Spain’s National Court approved a request for his extradition back to the US, where he faced the prospect of dying in a jail cell, Spanish newspaper El Pais reported Wednesday evening that John McAfee committed suicide in his cell, dying at the age of 75.

He was being held in a prison in Barcelona. So far, initial evidence of his death, which occurred Wednesday afternoon, local time, points to suicide.

He was initially arrested by Spanish authorities on Oct. 3, 2020, at the El Prat airport, just as he was about to take a plane to Turkey. He was arrested at the behest of the US, where he is wanted for evading millions of dollars in taxes. Spanish judge José de la Mata reportedly ordered his arrest.

Tennessee prosecutors have charged the 76-year-old McAfeewith evading taxes after failing to report consulting income he received while promoting cryptocurrencies, along with income from speaking engagements and the rights to his life story as a documentary, according to MarketWatch.

His wife, Janice McAfee, who lives in the US, has repeatedly pleaded for his release:

When he was first imprisoned, McAfee appeared to be in good spirits, tweeting that he was “content” in prison. He claimed the “food is good” in prison, adding, “all is well.”

In an October 2019 tweet, McAfee warned:

“Getting subtle messages from U.S. officials saying, in effect: “We’re coming for you McAfee! We’re going to kill yourself”.

I got a tattoo today just in case.

If I suicide myself, I didn’t.

I was whackd.

Check my right arm.

One year later, McAfee again warned not to trust the news if he dies in prison, saying:

“Know that if I hang myself, a la Epstein, it will be no fault of mine.”

McAfee continually repeatedly about how the US government cannot be trusted:

Laws made by those who ignore them,

Twisted and used to silence those who oppose the makers.

And I, tangled in their web, Will be a warning: Meekly accept your vanishing privacy and freedoms, Or the wrath of power Will be leashed upon you too.

Janice McAfee shared a beautiful Father’s Day message to her husband John on Twitter, praising him for always being honest, even though it’s “gotten him into trouble with corrupt governments and corrupt government officials.”

Was he a con man, a tax-evader, or was he the victim of the US government, as he claimed?

On June 8th, he tweeted:

I once had everything. After uncountable lawsuits and the reach of the FED’s I now have nothing. But inside these prison bars, I have never felt more free. The things you believe you own, in reality, own you.

It is a stark contrast to McAfee’s earlier years in which his net worth grew to $100 million from his successful anti-virus software firm. McAfee used to own a mansion worth more than $5 million in Colorado Springs, and even lived on a luxury yacht out in Dominican Republic waters, which he dubbed a “freedom boat.”

We may never know the truth about McAfee or the manner in which he died, but the curious life of John McAfee will not soon be forgotten.


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