In the aftermath of the January 6th “Stop the Steal” protests, the media, left-wing politicians and activists accused a protester of killing Capitol police officer Brian Sicknick.

Sicknick was allegedly hit by a fire extinguisher, leading to his death.

Julian Elie Khater, 32, of Pennsylvania, and George Pierre Tanios, 39 of Morgantown, were accused of killing the officer.

This week, Tanios pleaded to two low-level misdemeanors completely unrelated to Sicknick’s death.

He pled guilty to entering and remaining in a restricted building and disruptive conduct on restricted grounds.

Khater’s case has not yet been resolved, though prosecutors are pressuring him to plead guilty to the assault.

The Gateway Pundits Reports

George Tanios, one of two men who had been accused of assaulting police officers during the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol including now-deceased Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick, pleaded guilty on Wednesday to lesser misdemeanor charges.

Tanios, 40, appeared for a virtual hearing in U.S. District Court along with co-defendant Julian Khater. Tanios pleaded guilty to entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds and to disorderly and disruptive conduct on restricted grounds.

He is due to be sentenced on Dec. 6. U.S. District Judge Thomas Hogan said that Tanios could face up to a year in prison on each count but that under U.S. sentencing guidelines, he faces a term of between zero and six months in prison.

Prosecutors said on Wednesday they also offered a deal to Khater in which he would have to agree to plead guilty to two felony counts of assaulting federal law enforcement. The plea offer expires on Aug. 17. Khater’s attorney said they need more time to review it before making a decision.


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