Over 150 Michigan citizens, including GOP poll challengers, and whistleblowers who worked as paid contractors for Dominion Voting Systems and the Wayne County Clerks office, have signed sworn affidavits attesting to voter fraud, voter irregularities, and harassment, bullying, and threats by election workers and Democrats at the TCF Center in Detroit, where hundreds of thousands of absentee ballots were processed.
Now, a non-partisan group of unpaid citizens and volunteer experts have compiled a very compelling analysis of the absentee ballots counted in Michigan that raises some huge red flags about the credibility of Michigan’s November election results.
From the report:
Several nationally recognized statistical experts were asked to examine some 2020 Michigan voting records and to identify anything that they deemed to be statically significant anomalies — i.e., large deviations from the norm.
In the process, they basically worked separately from other team members, consulted with other experts, analyzed the data they were given from different perspectives, obtained some additional data on their own, etc. — all in a very limited time allotment.
Their one and only objective was to try to assure that every legal Michigan vote is counted, and only legal Michigan votes are counted.
The takeaway is that (based on the data files they were examining) these experts came to one or more of the following conclusions:
1) There are some major statistical aberrations in the MI voting records that are extremely unlikely to occur in a normal (i.e., un-manipulated) setting.
2) The anomalies almost exclusively happened with the Biden votes. Time and again, using a variety of techniques, the Trump votes looked statistically normal.
3) Nine (out of 83) Michigan counties stood out from all the rest. These counties showed distinctive signs of voting abnormalities — again, all for Biden.
4) The total number of suspicious votes in these counties is 190,000± — which greatly exceeds the reported margin of Biden votes over Trump. (We don’t know how many of these are artificial Biden votes or votes switched from Trump to Biden.)
5) These statistical analyses do not prove fraud but rather provide scientific evidence that the reported results are highly unlikely to be an accurate reflection of how Michigan citizens voted.
As stated in the Executive Summary, our strong recommendation is that (as a minimum): the two worst of the nine abnormal MI counties have an immediate audited recount.
Raheem Kassam and Natalie Winter of the National Pulse have done a partial analysis of the data provided by the non-partisan group.
National Pulse – A new analysis of Michigan voter data reveals hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots flagged as potentially fraudulent, leading statisticians to posit “strong evidence” exists that results were “manipulated by a computer algorithm.”
The “non-partisan effort by unpaid citizens and volunteer experts” and PhDs comes to the conclusion that an “audited recount” ought to be carried out in Michigan counties that returned voting results that were statistically unlikely, if not impossible.
The report also raises concerns about the Michigan election official’s conduct regarding mail-in balloting. Of the 3,507,129 ballots requested, the report flags hundreds of thousands of ballots with qualities, such as “duplicate ballot IDs,” “missing ballot address,” or “year of birth before 1921.”
Ballots Flagged In the report:
The report explains in detail the various red flags, such as “288,783 [ballots] that have the application sent and ballot received on the same day.”
The data also includes the voter’s year of birth. One is 170 years old, likely an error but their application was not rejected. In total, more than 1400 of these absentee voters are over 100 years old. These could well be nursing home patients. There are 217,271 applications without a recorded date (i.e. never received back). More interesting is the 288,783 that have the application sent and ballot received on the same day.
Almost never does the percent of absentee ballots cast for Trump exceed the percent cast for Biden. There are only rare exceptions, such as in very small precincts where we’d expect totals to be more variable.
If absentee voting behavior was the same for those voting for Trump and Biden, the chance that absentee ballots for Biden would almost always be larger would, given the large number of precincts here, be vanishingly small.
Thus, either the absentee voting behavior of those voting for Biden was remarkably consistently different, or there is another explanation, such as manipulation of totals.
Computer Interference.
The fifth section of the report, “Irrational MI Absentee Ballots Findings,” also posits there is “very strong evidence that the absentee voting counts in Michigan have been manipulated by a computer algorithm.”
“On the surface, it would seem that the tabulating equipment in each precinct has been programmed to shift a percentage of absentee votes from Trump to Biden,” the report continues.
The allegations are premised on the fact that the absentee voting trends of Michigan counties deviate from the nationwide norm and that “the percentage of Democratic absentee voters exceeds the percentage of Republican absentee voters in every precinct.
And the plot thickens…
“Specifically, save for outliers, the percentage of Democratic absentee voters exceeds the percentage of Republican absentee voters in every precinct. Even more remarkable – and unbelievable – these two independent variables appear to track one another,” the report notes.
A similar pattern emerges in Oakland County.
In 2016, Wayne county split 55 percent for Hillary Clinton and 45 percent for President Trump. In 2020, Wayne County split 70 percent Democrat and 30 percent Republican.
The other outlier county, Oakland, saw a similar “mismatch” between its 2016 and 2020 results:
In Oakland, all votes added by both candidates above the 2016 take show a new vote ratio of 72% Democrat to 28% Republican – an 18-point mismatch to the same area just since the last Presidential Election.
As an example of the excess vote gains above the norm, consider the Township of Livonia, broken into precincts. Nearly every single precinct first achieves the entire 2016 vote total for each party, but then a new population of votes skews excessively in favor of the Biden camp – resulting in a “new vote population” that is voting 76 D / 24 R — in a 2016 Republican township!
Additionally, the votes gained by Biden well outpace even the new registrations in the township – gaining 151% of the new registered voters and 97% of the new votes above 2016. This result/example is incredibly mathematically anomalous.
As an example of the excess vote gains above the norm, consider the Township of Troy, broken into precincts. Nearly every single precinct first achieves the entire 2016 vote total for each party, but then a new population of votes skews excessively in favor of the Biden camp – resulting in a “new vote population” that is voting 80 D / 20 R — in 2016 almost even split Dem/Rep township.
Additionally, the votes gained by Biden well outpace even the new registrations in the township – gaining 109% of the newly registered voters and 98% of the new votes above 2016.
All American citizens, regardless of party affiliation, should be concerned about the integrity of our election system. If the people no longer determine who their representatives are, the United States is no longer a Republic. Accordingly, post-election scrutiny of suspicious results is not only appropriate but required.
Conclusion: This is very strong evidence that the absentee voting counts in Michigan have been manipulated by a computer algorithm.
On the surface, it would seem that the tabulating equipment in each precinct has been programmed to shift a percentage of absentee votes from Trump to Biden. A simple hand- count of absentee ballots from a sampling of precincts should be sufficient to determine whether this assertion is valid; forensic analysis of the tabulating equipment would be required for definitive proof.
Link to report here: