Here we go again…Another case of ballots found in a dumpster:

Over 100 absentee ballots were found in a dumpster in Jefferson County, Kentucky. They never made it to their intended recipients and had not been filled out. This is another example of why it’s a better idea to vote in person instead of by mail.

After a contractor in Jefferson County, Ky. found 112 absentee ballots in a dumpster an investigation was launched by federal authorities. The USPS Office of the Inspector General’s Special Agents said they also found two political fliers as they investigated the ballots found in the dumpster.

A spokesman for the Jefferson County clerk’s office said that voters who haven’t received their absentee ballots by Oct. 28 can vote in person at any polling site if they sign an affidavit stating that they never received their ballot. This is the case at the polls for anyone who says they never got their absentee ballot.

According to the Lexington Herald-Leader, the postal employee was fired and the ballots were delivered to their intended address.

This is the latest of numerous cases where mail or ballots were found in the trash.

Recently, over 1,000 Virginia voter got duplicate abentee ballot in the mail:

President Trump has been ringing the alarm bells about the potential for massive voter fraud for months. Instead of taking him seriously, the Democrat Party, their allies in the media, and those who control social media sites and Google, the world’s largest search engine, are doubling down on their efforts to discredit him. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his wife have already donated $250 MILLION to a left-leaning group hell-bent on implementing the very programs President Trump is warning will lead to massive voter fraud in the upcoming election. The group being funded by Zuckerberg is currently facing a lawsuit in WI for election interference in WI.

Wisconsin isn’t the only state dealing with a potentially massive voter fraud issue…

Thanks to a “printing problem” that caused voters to receive duplicate absentee ballots in the mail this week, over 1,000 registered voters in Virginia have been given the opportunity to vote twice in the upcoming election,

According to Hannity – “Officials in Fairfax County, the state’s largest jurisdiction, said a printing problem with absentee-ballot address labels led election workers to inadvertently mail out extra ballots to as many as 1,000 county voters,” reports the Washington Post.

NBC Washington reports – Maurisa Potts and her husband requested mail-in absentee ballots for the first time this year.

“When I got the mail, we got four ballots — two for me, addressed to me, and two addressed to my husband, so for someone who is a first-timer doing mail-in I was confused,” she said.

All mail-in ballots must be hand-labeled, but when some of the labels were damaged, an entire sheet had to be reprinted, and some voters were sent a second ballot.

“Before the supervisors caught it, the people applying the labels applied them to the entire sheet of labels rather than just pulling out the ones that should have been processed,” Fairfax County Registrar Gary Scott said.


Potts worries about the impact of the mistake on voter confidence, especially as President Donald Trump continues to slam main-in ballots.

“With this year, with people are concerned about election fraud and being fair and counting ballots, this is an issue,” she said.

Election officials say voters who got double ballots should fill one out and destroy the other. The registrar says this is not a situation that can lead to voter fraud.

“Because every ballot that’s returned, we make an entry into their voter record that they have returned a ballot,” Scott said. “So if something else shows up, the ballot has already been returned. We can’t count that ballot.”

There is also a lot of voter confusion across the Northern Virginia about whether a witness must sign the mail-in ballot.

Even though the signature line is still on the ballot envelope, a court ruled because of COVID-19 concerns, it is not required this year. Written instructions tell voters that if they do not feel safe getting a witness, they can submit the ballot without one and it will not be held against them.


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