Joe Biden just spoke with reporters on the White House lawn and said that more covid restrictions are coming “in all probability”…

How much more of this can Americans take? Not much!

With data released from the CDC today, it’s clear that Americans have been lied to by so-called “experts” like Dr. Fauci. People want to know the truth, but these experts have been lying since the beginning. Remember being told NOT to wear a mask in the beginning? How about “stop the spread” where it would only be two weeks of a shutdown?

What’s worse, Biden is constantly sending mixed messages. Yesterday (see video below), he said the Delta variant wouldn’t be as deadly. Just an hour ago, he said more covid restrictions are coming.

Watch the clip below where Joe Biden says “in all probability” that more restrictions are coming:

Just yesterday, Biden said the Delta variant would NOT be as deadly as covid-19:

Just an hour ago, the CDC Director tried to clarify the latest information, but she wouldn’t even come clean on the illegals coming across the border who have covid.

During a White House press conference, a Biden spokesperson said the restrictions would be on “large gatherings”:

The Biden spokesperson says they won’t rule out more restrictions, but the American people aren’t going to take it sitting down.

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