Many rumors have been floating around on social media about the killer. One site shows a profile that was supposedly filled out by him that states he has no religion, is mixed race and a conservative Republican. To be sure, the only thing we will hear about this sick murderer tomorrow is that he “supposedly” identified himself on a dating site as being “conservative” or a “Republican.”
From the liberal Daily Beast: An online dating profile, linked to Harper-Mercer’s e-mail address and featuring another photo of him, says the 26-year-old was living with his parents and searching for the “yin to my yang.” It identifies his views as “conservative, republican,” and lists “organized religion” as one of his “dislikes.”
Ten people were killed and another seven injured Thursday after a 26-year-old gunman opened fire in a classroom at a community college here in southern Oregon.
Douglas County Sheriff John Hanlin said the gunman was shot and killed during an exchange of gunfire with officers at Umpqua Community College. State police said in a statement there was only one gunman.
The suspect in the shooting is believed to be a local Oregon man, Chris Harper Mercer, with a family in the area, a federal law enforcement official said. Via: USA Today
Photos were taken from Chris Harper Mercer’s My Space account:
Here is the alleged dating profile that was allegedly filled out by Chris Harper Mercer