MSNBC’s Brian Williams spoke the truth on Tuesday night when he said that it is the media’s job to “scare people to death” over North Korea. Wow! These are the first true words this serial liar has spoken in years!

Williams commented that he thought Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s tone was different from President Trump’s North Korea stance.

Andrea Mitchell couldn’t wait to jump in and criticize Trump: “There’s pressure. This could have been a signal to Beijing as well; ‘Listen up, take this seriously.’ It could have been President Trump sending signals in a number of directions.”

The next comment from Mitchell is hysterical because she uses two of the most anti-Trump people in Congress to say that even they criticized Trump’s tone:  Senators Dianne Feinstein and John “Songbird” McCain wouldn’t respond positively to pretty much anything that Trump said.

Brian Williams then delivered his truth bomb: “Malcolm, our job tonight actually is to scare people to death on this subject so the talk isn’t as free as it is about a preemptive or a surgical military strike. You know that part of the world. The population centers, Andrea and the General have talked about, South Korea, the Japanese, and so on and so on.”

What was Williams thinking? He let the cat out of the bag and actually told the truth. The lefty media is frothing at the mouth to make President Trump out to be clueless on strategy when in reality Trump is a master strategist! He’s also surrounded himself with great military leaders!

Would this crew of armchair quarterbacks want Trump to do what previous leaders did and kick the can down the road? It’s no thanks to those weak kneed leaders that we’re in the position we’re in now with North Korea!




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