George clooney probably gave the folks at The Daily Beast a coronary when he admitted what everyone has known for months, years…Hillary didn’t have it. Ya think? Clooney said he believes she wasn’t fit for the job.

George Clooney, who supported Hillary Clinton amid the 2016 presidential campaign and once hosted a fundraiser for her, said he believes she wasn’t fit for the White House.

‘Being qualified for the job does not necessarily mean you’re the right person to be president,’ Clooney said in the interview.

‘It was frustrating because I never saw her elevate her game. I saw it. And I had a lot of liberal friends who were like, ‘She’s not good at this.’ And I see that, and I understand it.

Clooney has been a huge critic of President Trump so chances are he’s not turned totally to the right but he’s seeing that Hillary just didn’t have the right stuff.



There’s nothing quite like an arrogant actor who lives in Europe, supports Hillary, blames the press for making Trump popular, and for not properly vetting him, while hanging out at the White House with the least vetted President in American history.

George Clooney is making his disdain for Donald Trump known not just here in the United States but also overseas.

The actor was interviewed by members of the international press at the Cannes Film Festival on Thursday afternoon, and took some time to share with them his opinion of Trump.

‘There’s not going to be a President Donald Trump,’ said Clooney, who held a fundraiser for Hillary Clinton last month in Los Angeles where tickets reportedly went for $353,400 per couple.

‘That’s not going to happen. Fear is not going to be something that drives our country. We’re not going to be scared of Muslims or immigrants or women. We’re not actually afraid of anything.’

That whole “We’re not afraid of Muslims” thing ought to go over pretty well with the victims and families of victims who have been attacked in Paris twice over the past couple of years. Tell that to French residents who live in or near “no-go-zones” George. Of course, you wouldn’t know, because you have the best security detail money can buy…hypocrite!

Clooney, who was on the Croisette to promote his film Money Monster, went on to say; ‘Trump is actually a result in many ways of the fact that much of the news programs didn’t follow up and ask tough questions. Via: Daily Mail


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