Country superstar Carrie Underwood used her popular Instagram account to promote an upcoming appearance on the Jimmy Kimmel Show. The post included a photo of a pregnant Underwood standing next to Jimmy Kimmel and smiling.
Underwood fans were quick to respond to her cozy photo and her upcoming appearance on the virulently anti-Trump host’s show.
Underwood fans were quick to respond to her cozy photo and her upcoming appearance on the virulently anti-Trump host’s show.
Nope to Kimmel .. what a horrible human he is !!!
I wonder if she is going to join the Hollywood agenda because everyone knows you can only be in Hollywood if you hate on hard working conservatives.
I can’t support on this one…I refuse to give Kimmel ratings…but I do love your music ????
Sorry Carrie, can’t watch that anti-American, you are fantastic.
I’ve listened to Carrie Underwood since I was ten or eleven years old. I love her music and her message. But I’m not a fan of Jimmy Kimmel. Some of these people that host these late night shows always make it about politics, even when there’s a guest who wants to talk about other things. As a true fan, I support you 100%, but I’m not watching Jimmy Kimmel. Some of the people that do these night shows need to grow up, honestly. They’re not the best example. Carrie is a great example of what it means to be a kind human being and to spread love.❤️
Sorry Carrie, love you but can’t do it.
Yea jimmy’s a bit of an A**
That’s a shame I don’t watch Jimmy any more because his disrespectful for the President. I guess have only hear you on the radio.
Why would you go on this jerk’s show?
Love you but won’t watch because of that idiot. ????
Here’s Underwood’s Instagram post that caused a major ruckus with her fans:
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