Zachary Stieber, a reporter with The Epoch Times, shared the CDC’s long-term study of myocarditis after COVID-19 inoculation that he received via FOIA (Freedom of Information Act).

However, there was a significant issue with the document.

Every single word of the 148-page report was redacted.

“Seeing some confusion about this document: It’s a CDC document sent to us in response to a Freedom of Information Act request and is fully redacted. A second document is mostly redacted,” Stieber wrote.

The request asked for information about the CDC’s MOVING project. The team has posted several studies, including this one. The CDC plans to submit another paper on updated findings from the project for peer review, a spokesperson told us in January,” he continued.

“This is absolutely insane. We are now over three years past the rollout of the COVID-19 injections. There’s obviously something very d***ing that they’re trying to hide,” The Vigilant Fox commented.

“Median survival rate of myocarditis is about 50% at five years. It’s now been three years since the shots were released,” Adam Gaertner commented.

Yet, public health agencies question why trust in medical authorities is at an all-time-low.

Stieber shared a letter the CDC sent to patients with myocarditis and parents of children with myocarditis after COVID-19 inoculation.

“The CDC won’t allow ONE WORD of their study on myocarditis & the clot shots to be seen. If you’re vaccinated, get to your doctor and have all the heart tests done right now,” Emerald Robinson said.

The Federalist previously reported on CDC data regarding myocarditis following COVID-19 inoculation.

“According to Vaccine Safety Datalink surveillance data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) conducted in 2022, within a week of receiving the ‘Dose 2 Primary Series’ of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, there were 14 verified cases of myocarditis or pericarditis among the 102,091 males aged 16-17 who got the shot. Among the nearly 206,000 12-15-year-old males who received the same series, 31 cases were confirmed within a week,” the outlet wrote.

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These numbers might seem small or meaningless, but in context, they represent a significant departure from last year’s conventional wisdom pushed by health bureaucrats and parroted by the media: In 2021, the CDC’s reported rates of myocarditis during the 0-7 day “risk period” following vaccination were significantly lower compared to recent numbers.

For instance, in August last year, the CDC reported 42.6 per million cases and 71.5 per million cases for 12-15 and 16-17-year-old males, respectively, but now the health agency admits those incidence rates are actually 150.5 per million for the younger group and 137.1 per million for the older. Among 16- and 17-year-old males, the incidence rate jumps to a whopping 188 per million following the first booster, with 9 of the 47,874 developing heart inflammation in the week after that shot.

While rates from the latest CDC study are “3-5 times higher for young men than what the CDC was reporting this time last year,” other health experts, whom the media discredited, were ahead of the curve. Data from a study conducted by Tracy Hoeg, MD, Ph.D., and others in 2021 aligns with the latest CDC numbers from 2022.

The doctors reported a rate of 94 cases of “cardiac adverse events” per million for 16-17-year-old males and 162 per million for 12-15-year-old males. While this is compatible with the latest CDC study, the corporate media and its fact-checkers labeled it misinformation when it was published last year.

Read the 148-page redacted document HERE.


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